A Time Of Stimulation

FRI., SEPT. 29, 1989, 7:30 AM

I called you early this morning, o son, urging you back to this familiar pad and this enriching experience. You have finished your current Ruminations in the self-imposed time limit, even as it shall be “late” in being sent out. You think about and occasionally yearn for a time of ease, with fewer responsibilities and demands… fewer stimuli to continuous action. That time shall come, but it is “not yet.”

Nothing that you are doing I would have you cease. You must take time to do your classes well, to develop fair tests and read papers conscientiously. The time you give graduate students individually is appropriate, with your major contribution continuing to be the upbuilding of confidence and self-esteem. Be sure to give Bryan some time today, before his ordeal. He needs some bolstering, even as he appears confident and prepared.

You have not come often, of late, and, fortunately, you have felt the lack. This morning, with its showers and lack of sunshine, was a time for return to hearing Me. You can stay away for some days, even for good reasons, but never with comfort. As you have reviewed this sample of Teachings you selected you were stimulated, yet again, to know the value of this gift I offer you. You are utilizing it responsibly, and I want you to continue to come and write, even as there may be no apparent use for each Teaching. (No) (See, your stimulation is excessive… calm down… you have plenty of time.)

This is an exciting time for many of your professional interests. Education is being emphasized, even though much of the focus is on what is not being done well. The drug scene is in the national spotlight, though the basic approach will not be cost effective nor will it solve the problem. Continue to give this area some attention, even as it is less than previously.

Death is a part of life here in the earth, and good total health includes capacities to deal responsibly and positively with death. It shall continue to come in many forms, from increasing causes. Continue to have this as a major professional stimulus, and be sure you emphasize spirit in many ways as a class proceeds.

You are way behind in letter writing, and I realize why, even as I continue to urge you to “catch up” before the press of conventions and Survival lectures hits. I don’t need to say again how important this practice is to a number of people. You realize this, but in any day the challenge is just one stimulus too many.

Environmental deterioration continues, even as the earth and other forms of life are adapting to selfish human behaviors. Maintain this interest, but you needn’t involve yourself in active movements of any kind. Continue your cause, with spirit emphasized, and continue to keep this Farm a beautiful place. You can’t do much about what industry and other human activity are doing to this earth, but you can keep this place as a garden in which to enjoy life, for all the time you will be here.

Do not see the church newsletter as a burden, but as an opportunity to communicate to members and friends regularly in a way no one has, save the preacher. It does take time and attention, but you can offer this, once a month. This is an important service. Do it willingly, skillfully, and joyfully.

I urge you to be comfortable in this time of stimulation. Consider opportunities as they arise. Reject some. Accept others. Know that I am constantly with you, from within and from without. I let you make many decisions… I skew some for My purposes… and occasionally I demand. Consider this a privilege that I am with you this actively.

Continue to decide what you shall do for a time and then worry not about other matters that you could have chosen instead. Opportunities missed will generally prove inconsequential or will come at you again, even in some other form.

FRI., SEPT. 29, 1989, 7:30 AM

I called you early this morning, o son, urging you back to this familiar pad and this enriching experience. You have finished your current Ruminations in the self-imposed time limit, even as it shall be “late” in being sent out. You think about and occasionally yearn for a time of ease, with fewer responsibilities and demands… fewer stimuli to continuous action. That time shall come, but it is “not yet.”

Nothing that you are doing I would have you cease. You must take time to do your classes well, to . . .

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