A Time To… ?

TUES., MAY 29, 1984, 12:15 PM

Yes, it is a time to receive a Teaching from Me, o son, even though you do it more out of duty and commitment than of intrinsic desire to learn. It is a day or relative rest in this familiar place, without much formulation of plans. As the title suggests, there is no clear answer as to what it is “a time to…” Accept that as the nature of this day, and enjoy it as much as you can.

It commenced as a time to reflect on weakness, and you did that. You still aspire to be one without weakness, and you have difficulty in truly accepting shortcomings in yourself as they become evident. You stood on the mountain top and saw yourself as fresh, new, and forgiven, but then you came down… and the exhilaration has not persisted. The rhythm is not one you like, but it is a necessary one.

In this place it is alternately a time for sunshine and a time for the shadow of clouds. All times cannot be times of sunshine. You have more than most, and you need to be aware of your blessings. Know, of course, that shade is also a blessing. Can weakness be a blessing. A time to consider…

If you shall accomplish what you must and what you have planned you shall have to develop some sort of schedule… not today, but soon. Still, it shall be no catastrophe if all goals are not achieved. Your teaching month and your return to the Farm shall be demanding, so let yourself rest and be prepared for pressured activity. It is not now the time for that.

Yes, it shall be a time to read and contemplate. You have several books that can abet your understanding and appreciation of life in this earth. Be assured that I shall comment on these readings and offer you insights beyond your own. It is a time for this.

No, you needn’t send for that original paper of yours. Just let that loss give you the freedom to write a sparkling final essay, with assistance from Me. Listen as you compose, and I shall give you unexpected ideas. Tomorrow shall be the time for this.

TUES., MAY 29, 1984, 12:15 PM

Yes, it is a time to receive a Teaching from Me, o son, even though you do it more out of duty and commitment than of intrinsic desire to learn. It is a day or relative rest in this familiar place, without much formulation of plans. As the title suggests, there is no clear answer as to what it is “a time to…” Accept that as the nature of this day, and enjoy it as much as you can.

It commenced as a time to reflect on weakness, and you . . .

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