A Time To…

THURS., SEPT. 24, 1998, 6:05 AM

Yes, o son, it is a time to come to Me, in this now more than familiar and comfortable way, for a Teaching. It is not important that there be a clear and obvious theme and title. Sometimes there will be such. At other times it is just more important that you come and hear Me, before or during whatever your busy day includes. Every Teaching does not have to be a “masterpiece”. I just want you here and listening… wherever the “here” is.

You surely have “slowed down”, from the days, not really long ago, when you accomplished all of your present tasks and had 3 classes going, with preparations and papers galore to read. It is the experience of aging, o son, and you’re “doing it” reasonably well. There are the same number of hours in each day, but, somehow, the accomplishments dwindle… and you still often feel frustrated.
There are two continuing responsibilities for the church, and you’re considering giving up the Newsletter task. I have told you, and it still is true, that this gives you a means to communicate to your fellow Presbyterians, a means that you haven’t used as well, of late, as I expect. You do some re-writing and some shortening, but you do not often utilize the Editor’s prerogative… as you do in the Session minutes. I see this as part of your frustration and ennui… it has become too “routine” a task. “Change things”, if you will.

I am pleased that you are re-reading some of My Teachings from volumes that represent the “past” in our friendly relationship. (By the way, this was one disappointing “note” in your presentation to the Methodist folk last Sunday… not identifying and describing Me, as your Friend. I Am the Holy Spirit, One with as well as separate from Jesus, the Christ and God, the Father. This is obviously “high company”, and I can appreciate why you are reluctant to use this term… Friend. Yet, as you said, this is our 20th year of close relationship, and it… is time to… call it an “ongoing Friendship”. So I do proclaim.

(Obviously it is now time to “restock” the little cylinders that make this pen continue to write. I like the symbol that this is Our Pen, only used for these Teachings, but it must needs be recharged as you expend ink on these barely green pages. You were ready this time, so prepare for the next.)

It was time, yesterday, to clean up your firewood lot, which also meant restocking your kindling bin with dry, “well aged” wood. It is now the season to gather firewood, as well as cut, split, and stack. The heat of summer is virtually past, so now you know it is time to get that dry stuff into the wood shed before the rains come again.

The Newsletter must be done today (your “portion”), for then you have to type Our Ruminations, so that it can be sent out, at least close to the end of this month-quarter. You have a hospice presentation to do, and then the Sunday class. Well, so much for this week!

What about this time for contemplation? You’re “trying”, but with limited success thus far. You realize, of course, that “trying harder” will not lead to the contemplation I’m recommending and pushing (or is it pulling?) for. Just as it took some time and persistence to develop the writing of these Teachings, so it will be with contemplation. For a while, now, select an idea, an event, or a spiritual “question” and just let your mind and spirit “dwell on it”. You’ll have to exert some control of a mind that loves to wander in times of quiet. (I have no objection to times of a “wandering mind/spirit”, but contemplation, also worthwhile, takes more discipline to establish.)

Yes, o son, it is the autumn season, and it seems to have arrived “right on schedule”. You still can have a fall garden if you can get yourself to clean out and plant anew. But I guess that is another chore… like killing and dressing a few rabbits. My, my, it is time to be busy.

THURS., SEPT. 24, 1998, 6:05 AM

Yes, o son, it is a time to come to Me, in this now more than familiar and comfortable way, for a Teaching. It is not important that there be a clear and obvious theme and title. Sometimes there will be such. At other times it is just more important that you come and hear Me, before or during whatever your busy day includes. Every Teaching does not have to be a “masterpiece”. I just want you here and listening… wherever the “here” is.

You surely have “slowed down”, from the . . .

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