A Time To… A Reprise

WED., APR. 23, 1997, 8:40 AM

It is a pleasure for you to again be studying and recalling these words and ideas from The Preacher… your favorite Old Testament book. It certainly does become more relevant… more “real”… as you are older and actually approaching genuine old age. Yet it still is a matter of maturity in spirit that interprets this rightly, rather than just old age itself. It was, then, a sign of your developing maturity that turned you toward this rather small piece of Holy Scripture.

You didn’t go back and read the Ruminations relating to this portion of My Holy Writ, as I suggested, and so I still encourage this (for you haven’t yet finished this “assignment”). Also go back to some of the full Teachings, for I shall continuously call for this kind of purposeful re-reading.

For most of you Americans, and certainly most of you in the rational aspect of your culture, there is a time to doubt My relevance in relation to much that you do each day. There was a time to research and write, and you did enough of that, but mostly for yourself, your family (indirectly), and your profession and your place of employment. This last “piece” – you and Dubos – was more related to My concerns, and I’m pleased that you did this… and even finally got it printed.

When your off-ramp journey has been completed, and you are into retirement I want you to feel the “pull” toward serving (8:58 / 8:59) Me in what you do, for such motivations and dedications come closest to being of eternal value. This means that these are more likely to “carry over” into the next lap of your spiritual life than will the ways you and most of your fellow humans see life tasks.

Planting small coleus plants is of minor consequence, in itself. But as you turn your head slightly you see a rather huge, healthy plant that has matured here in this office. It shall not survive much longer, as earth time goes, but see it as a reminder that when you serve Me the results can be quite spectacular… at least more than expected.

The time to occupy and appreciate this office will soon be over. There will be some sadness in this, but this should be mixed with the joy of focusing more in one place. It has been good that you have had quite a few Teachings here at this desk, in the last years. As this one wanes, know that others may become evident or reappear. Remember that in some past years you had Teachings at small tables high in the library. There will be times to return to this beautiful campus, coincident with times to hear and write Teachings from Me, your Holy Friend.

Reading these important words from Ecclesiastes gives you, in this form, some of the traits that I have encouraged in you. Don’t be attached to what you do… or consider too fully that I am not involved in any significant way. We do many of your tasks together, and it now is The Time to acknowledge this as fully as you can. This afternoon you shall “celebrate” your last in-the-classroom meeting of a group during a semester of full-time teaching. Yes, you can tell them this… and then conduct the class with Me as your co-director (for I do know much about educating).

Oh, planning is still important, but it now is more of a time to just enjoy these experiences, with little compulsion. You weren’t as prepared yesterday as you wanted to be, but the class went well, and you finished with a good, important essay on the need for spirit in dealing with the environment.

Give little concern for things you don’t or are not able to do… as long as what you’re doing is worthwhile, for the time and effort available. Remember that this is The Time to do what you do essentially for Me. That’s really the essence of Grace. From the words of that song you so like, “I’ll live in you if you’ll live in Me”, you hear the promise: give what you do and who you are to Me, and you shall have maximum satisfactions in life.

WED., APR. 23, 1997, 8:40 AM

It is a pleasure for you to again be studying and recalling these words and ideas from The Preacher… your favorite Old Testament book. It certainly does become more relevant… more “real”… as you are older and actually approaching genuine old age. Yet it still is a matter of maturity in spirit that interprets this rightly, rather than just old age itself. It was, then, a sign of your developing maturity that turned you toward this rather small piece of Holy Scripture.

You didn’t go back and read the Ruminations . . .

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