A Time To Be Thankful

THURS., SEPT. 19, 1991, 5:50 AM

Hear, o son, for this has been a busy week, and you have not come to Me for guidance and learning. Busy weekends lie ahead, but surely you will finish this Letter and have it out before you travel. All goes well with you except for your leg and foot. It still is a time for you to experience this annoying disability. Maintain your prayers for I do not yet say that this shall be permanent.

Yes, it is a time for you to be thankful. Let this minor disability continually remind you of all the blessings you do have. You have reasonable sight and hearing for one your age. Be thankful for what you have and appreciate both senses as if you could lose more of each. Be a bit more disciplined about your food and drink intake, but stop short of regimented dieting. Just eschew the excess so that your weight stays reasonable. Be thankful that you can enjoy food and drink. Remember that your “commission” is to emphasize the positive in all areas of life and health.

Be particularly thankful for capacities to think and to write. Obviously you need these to transcribe and utilize these Teachings, but I’ll say again that you still have ideas to transmit to your profession that are not flowing forth from your pen. There may come a time when this is not possible, but that time is not yet. Do it out of a spirit of thankfulness rather than as an onerous task. Do it while you still can. I won’t harp on the letters you should be writing, but I will emphasize that thankfulness should be your prime motivation, not duty. How about one a day? Out of a spirit of thankfulness for friends. Appreciate what the letter to Jerry brought back to you.

Continue to be thankful for your professional position. This is a time of economic downturn, but you see that your position and your income seem quite secure. Accept this as a gift, not as a situation you deserve. Carry out your teaching responsibilities with thankfulness and a happy spirit. This is not a job but a glorious opportunity. This is an important aspect of your positive health. Appreciate the connection… your personal health is maintained and enhanced by your happy functioning as an educator. Be joyful in your position.

Be thankful for your relative financial security. Be thankful that you have money to lend and that your own needs are minimal. You are not giving to causes that are important as you once did. Again I urge you to do this out of a spirit of appreciation… for what you have. Also appreciate Lenore’s generosity. You read about medical costs, and you should be thankful that your and Lenore’s health is as good as it is. Give to causes what you might otherwise be spending for costly medical treatment.

Continue to be thankful for your church life and for the opportunities you take to be an active member of that fellowship. Offer to contribute leadership to your class. Enjoy the Bible study. Be ready for your turn in leading worship, this most enjoyable of all assignments. Exude the spiritual joy you feel as a part of this Body of Christ.

Be thankful that your children and grandchildren are well and contributing to the earth scene. Maintain your attempts to keep in communication with Matthew. Even if he doesn’t respond keep gently remining him that you are concerned about him… that he has a special place as son #5. He shall finally be a good servant of Mine, but not yet. Just continue to encourage him.

THURS., SEPT. 19, 1991, 5:50 AM

Hear, o son, for this has been a busy week, and you have not come to Me for guidance and learning. Busy weekends lie ahead, but surely you will finish this Letter and have it out before you travel. All goes well with you except for your leg and foot. It still is a time for you to experience this annoying disability. Maintain your prayers for I do not yet say that this shall be permanent.

Yes, it is a time for you to be thankful. Let this minor disability continually . . .

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