A Time To Cast Away Stones

FRI., MAY 14, 1982, 5:17 AM

Hear another teaching on the Biblical version of yin and yang… opposites that complement each other… one not good while the other is bad, but each appropriate in its time. As I have told you before I had to use some of My force, which I tend to use sparingly, to be sure that this writing from the Preacher was included in My Sacred Scriptures. For some it is not very important, but for you it is, and I want you, o son, to understand and appreciate the truths that these “time to’s” represent.

This one proclaims, in full, that there is a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together. First… cast away… one import of this is that stones may be impeding what you need to accomplish, and these should be cast away. As you are working in your garden and you find a stone it is right that you cast it away. It shall impede the growth of desirable plants, and therefore is a hindrance. Cast such away.

“Stones” represent anything that has potential value (and there are few “things” that do not, under some circumstances) but is “out of place” in a particular setting. This time of the morning can be a time to sleep, but if you are to have this time of meditation with Me, then sleep (valuable though it is) is something to cast away.

Now because of your involvement in teaching about the environment you are aware of this axiom that there is truly no “away” into which you can cast your stones. This means that what is removed as waste has to “go somewhere”, and you must be as certain as you can be that your “away” is not someone else’s here and now. As you cast away a stone from your garden into the woods that is, for now at least, a proper “away”. If, as you lived in town, you cast a stone found in your lawn over the fence into the neighbor’s yard, that would not have been a proper “cast away”. So, there may be a time to cast away… and there must be an appropriate place.

The other portion of the truth is that there is a time to gather stones together. This implies a value to these “stones”… they now can be valuable and useful to you, but not scattered as they are. Or, as with the pile of stones that has lain in this yard of yours for over ten years, they needed to be gathered together as the little rock wall.

So now you gather that good and useful thing that now lies away from you or that you have purposely scattered at another appropriate time. As the stones in your road are dispersed with use of the road you must, with appropriate tool, gather them together again as the road.

You see that this “gathering” of “stones” can involve things that you knew had value, but that had been cast away only for a time… or it can involve things that had been cast away as having no value which now are perceived as good and useful. As you pull or chop weeds in your garden you can see them as waste to be cast away… or as mulch to help prevent future weeds, or as potential food for your chickens or rabbits. If you see them in these latter ways you do not cast them away, but, rather, you gather them together.

FRI., MAY 14, 1982, 5:17 AM

Hear another teaching on the Biblical version of yin and yang… opposites that complement each other… one not good while the other is bad, but each appropriate in its time. As I have told you before I had to use some of My force, which I tend to use sparingly, to be sure that this writing from the Preacher was included in My Sacred Scriptures. For some it is not very important, but for you it is, and I want you, o son, to understand and appreciate the truths that these . . .

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