A Time To Contemplate… Or Sleep

SUN., MAY 17, 1998, 2:29 AM

Here you are, in the midst of the “sleeping portion” of this night, but with irritations that make steady sleep unattainable. An hour ago you promised yourself that if this pattern continued you’d come here for some thoughts from Me, relative to the Forum this morning. Was I responsible for your being here… doing this? You know Me well enough…

So let Me guide you in some contemplation on these complements and others like them. (There were 10 Commandments, 12 disciples, and 14 Time to’s. Could there be more of each? Of course. These “numbers” are not absolutes. For example, I could take you beyond three pages this morning, but I won’t. Three is a good number for these Teachings.)

I was with Solomon all through his life, particularly during his kingship. I wanted him to be a wise and understanding king, and he was. Yet in his latter years, when he was younger than you are now, he lost the zeal of his youth… and you are experiencing some of that now. You are not seeking new and exciting tasks, and he saw much that he had done (even that which was obviously commendable) as “a chasing after wind.” (But do not forget My “closure” to such a statement: I came, officially, into the earth as a rushing wind, so chasing after Me is quite worthwhile.)

One of the most relevant complements, hence, is “a time to seek and a time to lose.” You had quite a good professional career, and you still have some motivations to seek more opportunities to be a revered and respected health educator. It is hard to be losing the status you had, but you know that you can only slow the process, not reverse it. You now have time to seek My “counsel” more often… in new Teachings and in the rereading of the many We have done together. There is no need for you to lose this. In fact, the loss of your more professional self makes possible the active seeking of the more spiritual Way.

You expect that such an approach to life will not be fully appreciated by your younger colleagues and present students. There always have been “misunderstandings” between generations, and it surely is so now. It is not a time now, for you, to fake motivations that you have, in decreasing strength. Be who you are, admitting your losses, and testifying to your seeking of spiritual revelations. Some will appreciate this time in your life… but don’t look for complete approval. Just be who you are and who you are coming to be.

On this day you shall serve Me, through your church-related activities in two ways of which I approve. You and Lenore shall be greeters, a role you both can play with spirit. Be an enthusiastic greeter, for you truly do want people, old-timers and new comers, to be aware of and appreciate the spirit that is a fundamental characteristic of this small portion of My Body. Your other opportunity is in leading a Forum on this somewhat strange but vital selection of Scripture. It is, physically, at the Heart of the assembled Scriptures. Be sure and note this. You are as prepared as you need to be for this morning. After your introduction seek ideas from those who gather with you about what these complements mean and how they can be applied. You have some good ideas, but let this be a learning experience for you, as well as “for them”.

SUN., MAY 17, 1998, 2:29 AM

Here you are, in the midst of the “sleeping portion” of this night, but with irritations that make steady sleep unattainable. An hour ago you promised yourself that if this pattern continued you’d come here for some thoughts from Me, relative to the Forum this morning. Was I responsible for your being here… doing this? You know Me well enough…

So let Me guide you in some contemplation on these complements and others like them. (There were 10 Commandments, 12 disciples, and 14 Time to’s. Could there be more . . .

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