A Time To Hear

SUN., JAN. 30, 1983, 5:37 AM

You have been away from these morning meditations, o son, and though the reasons were adequate it is now time to hear Me again. You have many tasks that must be done, and I recognize the urgency of many of these… and there truly is no comparable urgency to this message or for this time together. It just is fundamentally important to the success of all else that you do… that’s all. You still need to learn about life, about spirit, about health, and you need guidance in setting priorities for what you attempt. And I am available. Fortunately, you do feel the need for these times of meditative teaching. I’m glad you’re back. It is time to listen and hear.

This must be a productive week. You have letters important to lives young and old to write, and these must be done. The next priority must be your Christmas letter. I have assured you over these years of Our communication that this is an important manifestation of spirit for you. It has some of the flavor of the Ruminations (because they both are your letters), but it has a special place and value. Continue to make it long and rambling… representative of your spirit as it reaches out to many others, including a number for whom the Ruminations would be “too much”. Try to develop the outline this week, and perhaps you can start it as you travel. At least by next week.

Both the paper on Human/Spiritual Interaction and the next Ruminations are the next high priorities. I shall guide you, as these other tasks are completed, in determining which comes first. Let Me determine that.

The Ruminations shall emanate from the Teachings related to this wonderful passage in Ecclesiastes. (And know that with others of My servants I am not so enthusiastic about this passage and more so about others that are not now essential parts of your spiritual development… Revelations, for instance. Different Scriptures lead to some variety of interpretations of My Nature and Purposes. This is as it should be. My revelation to you is I need not match your Western notion of consistency.)

Be not concerned that I have not given Teachings on each verse as yet. You have plenty of material, you shall see, and if you need any more insights during the writing you can be assured that I shall provide them. By this time you should have no fear that I shall leave you without sufficient material. When you have time to hear, I shall provide.

Listening and hearing is a vital part of good communication, and you tell this boldly in some of your professional presentations. At Greenville you had several chances to practice this, and you were fairly well aware that you needed to listen, even though the ardent speakers did not thoroughly capture your interest. There is truth in every person, so there may be value to you in some quite unlikely conversation.

SUN., JAN. 30, 1983, 5:37 AM

You have been away from these morning meditations, o son, and though the reasons were adequate it is now time to hear Me again. You have many tasks that must be done, and I recognize the urgency of many of these… and there truly is no comparable urgency to this message or for this time together. It just is fundamentally important to the success of all else that you do… that’s all. You still need to learn about life, about spirit, about health, and you need guidance in . . .

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