A Time To Kill And A Time To Heal…

SAT., JAN. 15, 1994, 1:35 PM

This is a strange Scripture… almost a test of your acceptance of these words as the most Holy of Writ. As I’ve told you before, don’t get “hung up” over details. There is spiritual truth in the post-birth portion of Matthew’s Gospel, not necessarily related to the actual truth of the happening.

The story in this Gospel focuses on the visit of the wisemen or magi, without clarity as to how soon this was after My birth, as Jesus. According to the tale they had been urged, by King Herod, to tell him where this child, who was some potential rival, could be found. They were impressed enough with Me to reject Herod’s invitation to return to him, which both angered and frightened him. So he proclaimed that it was “a time to kill, with baby boys under 2 years as the victims. Obviously if I had gone through this interuterine growth process and then birth it would be ridiculous to be killed in infancy. So I, as Spirit, sent an angel to warn and instruct Joseph, and after some amount of struggle with “reality,” he accepted his “assignment” to take his small family to Egypt. This does seem excessive, doesn’t it? Let’s just say it happened.

The truth is that I, as Jesus, was destined to grow and develop and become the Christ. It was a time to live, in the midst of a time to kill, aimed at Me. The “out of Egypt” reference is a test of your faith. It is pretty far-fetched but it is a symbolic relating of Jesus with Israel, even presaging the concept of Me as the New Israel. Israel came out of Egypt with much evidence that I, as Almighty God, was with them as their God. A positive miracle, the opening of the Red Seas, was a means of escape, but it also resulted in the death of young Egyptians. A negative miracle, that I was put to physical death on the cross, was the means for those in the New Israel to escape from sin. The healing came with the resurrection. I was dead… but I wasn’t. I was killed, but I was healed.

In symbolic like fashion you Christians are dead in sin… and healed by relationship with Me. A time for sin and a time for redemption is a way to express it.

My Mother Mary wept for Me on the cross. My Father didn’t weep, for He knew this was a necessary means for Me to accomplish what it was Mine to complete. Mothers weeping for children is a part of earth life. How many mothers wept for boy babies killed because of My birth and presence? Even Christians weep at the death of a loved one. Remember that you didn’t weep for Peter until Marylin’s “vision” assured you that he had survived bodily death. Then you could weep, in joy, because he was in a better place, alive in spirit, his true essence.

It is all right to weep over a death, for the loss of that person, here in the earth. But, more importantly, death can also be celebrated, for the spirit has returned to a spirit realm… and it is time to assess the gains and losses, spiritually, from the earth life. Even when the losses prevail there is value in seeing that life in perspective, in order to deal best with “what comes next,” this being true for all but a few deaths.

It is most appropriate to weep for one who dies outside of relationship with Me. Even some children know Me in their own simple ways. Some elderly folk, like your friend, Art, should be wept for, since there was even overt rejection of Me. Art has wept for himself, and rightly so.

SAT., JAN. 15, 1994, 1:35 PM

This is a strange Scripture… almost a test of your acceptance of these words as the most Holy of Writ. As I’ve told you before, don’t get “hung up” over details. There is spiritual truth in the post-birth portion of Matthew’s Gospel, not necessarily related to the actual truth of the happening.

The story in this Gospel focuses on the visit of the wisemen or magi, without clarity as to how soon this was after My birth, as Jesus. According to the tale they had been . . .

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