A Time To Laugh

JAN. 21, 1982, 5:24 AM

You are poised between two realities, o son… the upcoming evening and the class before based on My teachings about fun and humor and My servant Billy’s book on suffering. Know that these are both realities and part of the rhythm of life here in the earth. And if they are part of the rhythm I recommend, then they are part of Me and the experiences I have.

A part of My Nature as God Almighty is the capacity to be above all emotion… to be far beyond laughter and tears, joy and sorrow… the ultimate enlightenment. But the part of My Nature that comes to you… and to others with the developed and chosen capacity to “tune-in” to Me in some direct way… is that of teacher, and one of the necessities for success in teaching is the capacity to feel as the learners feel. So I still experience suffering… now… and I also frequently laugh, both with and at My creatures, such as you.

I, the Holy Spirit, have experiences of fun and humor. I smile. I grin. I chuckle. And I laugh. One of the sadnesses of My observations of life in the earth comes in seeing those who do not consciously follow Me laughing and enjoying life while some of My ardent children remain serious overlong… for My sake. Some even feel that laughter is somehow sinful. Fortunately, this is not true for those who are truly moving along the path, for to know Me is to know that laughter, in its place, is as holy as solemnity. Put firmly, with your hand in Mine, the Way to live here in the earth, there is a time to laugh… and I laugh with you.

Because laughter does have a holy quality to it, I sometimes use it as a means to bring non-believers to Me. Those who can laugh honestly and sincerely are often more open than they imagine to a relationship with Me. Consider this as you make judgments about those who are servants or non-servants of Mine.

(A small digression seems necessary, for you hesitated a bit uncomfortably about writing the term “servants” again. It is a very apt term. In relationship to Me you are willing to be a servant, an abject helper. You are willing to be a servant for others, even for those who should serve you, as the earthly pecking order goes. But as you are willing and do serve you become equal with Me… and that is the only way this equality can come about. You can grin at this non-logical system I offer.)

The story with the punch line, “Look busy!” is a great example of Me and humor. The story seems to say that in the presence of God you should be seriously busy, putting your best foot forward. But as this is said it brings a smile, a grin, laughter. It’s message, which comes from the experience, not the words directly, is that if God is with you, you should kick up your heels, dance, laugh, and have a good time. The words of the story don’t say that, but the spirit in the story does.

JAN. 21, 1982, 5:24 AM

You are poised between two realities, o son… the upcoming evening and the class before based on My teachings about fun and humor and My servant Billy’s book on suffering. Know that these are both realities and part of the rhythm of life here in the earth. And if they are part of the rhythm I recommend, then they are part of Me and the experiences I have.

A part of My Nature as God Almighty is the capacity to be above all emotion… to be far beyond laughter . . .

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