A Time To Plant And A Time To Pluck Up What Is Planted

JAN. 7, 1982, 5:38 AM

Hear, o son, some explanation of a second truth from the Preacher’s proclamation. And, you will also find that there are some comments on your day yesterday with the New Mexico people. You did plant some seeds yesterday, and you saw the Human/Spiritual Interaction well-spring in some new and more complete ways. That shall continue for some time, particularly during this time of interviews for Dave’s study.

From your limited gardening experience you know that there is a general time to plant certain seeds. There may not be a time, but if the planting is done “too early” or “too late”, the plants either do not arise or do not flourish. There has to be a balance with the warmth of the earth and air and with the moisture in the ground and falling upon it. There are balances important with insects and soil microbes… and even with such things as animals’ feet in the planted place. So, yes, there is a time to plant, but it usually is impossible for you to know exactly when that is.

In like fashion there is a time to plant an idea in the mind of another and a time to plant a challenge to spirit to grow and develop… and yet it is never possible to know exactly when that is. Some yesterday may have been ready. But in addition to what is planted there is importance to how it is planted. With one it may have been a diagram that helped with the planting, while with another it was a song… a poem… a story. And with yet another just a clear explanation. One said at the end, “Thank you for sharing you”, and that is a crucial element in planting. When you are talking about spiritual matters the spirit of the other may well seek to discover the nature of your spirit, and it must not be found wanting if the planting is to be successful.

Once you plant seeds successfully you experience the growing and producing season. Some of that just comes about naturally, the interaction of seed, soil, water, warmth, and other factors, known and unknown. In a garden you, the planter, can aid the growing by keeping the weeds to a minimum (something you don’t do with the diligence you might). In planting of a spiritual nature you may have no opportunity to do this. With these people here the weeds of counter-ideas or established tradition shall operate, and you shall not be able to pluck them out. With those in your Sunday morning class you have the opportunity of combatting weeds by nourishing the desired plant… with new infusion of truth from these meditative teachings. The most important way to combat weeds is to have strong plants. Nurture them as you can.

JAN. 7, 1982, 5:38 AM

Hear, o son, some explanation of a second truth from the Preacher’s proclamation. And, you will also find that there are some comments on your day yesterday with the New Mexico people. You did plant some seeds yesterday, and you saw the Human/Spiritual Interaction well-spring in some new and more complete ways. That shall continue for some time, particularly during this time of interviews for Dave’s study.

From your limited gardening experience you know that there is a general time to plant certain seeds. There may . . .

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