A Time To Ponder

MON., JULY 27, 1992, 6:10 AM

The blessed drive to this familiar place went well, with plenty of time to ponder the state of your life. You were awakened early with itching, so you have done what is best in times of early rising… coming to Me with this pen and pad. Yes, o son, I shall help you ponder, ere you go to your meeting and then start on the return trip.

You are quite properly related to My Body, the church. You offer yourself in many ways, and the Body profits therefrom. Your time with the children went well, and the discussion of the sermon was a fine climax to the worship service. You know that you should be back in a leadership role in adult study in this Fall season ahead, but which? As you pondered, a class based on your Teachings would be more stimulating to you, but you also could lead a regular sermon discussion group with skill and ease. Each would be a service. Talk with John and Judy and Richard… and make a decision soon. Neither would be a burden, and it is time for you to return to leadership.

The university classes you should be teaching was another part of your muse. What you didn’t consider, which surprised Me, was how each of the courses you lead contribute to an appreciation of spirit in life. You know what these opportunities are, but you don’t always implement them as you should. There is much more potential in the alcohol and drug class for consideration of the spiritual dimension that you presently include. This is a much more important reason for continuing with this than the familiarity conclusion that you reached. Plan to include a presentation on human/spiritual interacting so that you can indicate its relationship to mood modification.

You definitely must include this Wellspring in the Foundations class. This is a major contribution you should be making to your field, and you’re letting it lie fallow. At least your present students should be aware of this concept. Let this be the impetus for at least one paper that you write… at least for consideration by your own class. Telling how human/spiritual interacting is relevant to each of your courses is My suggested approach.

You definitely are not ready yet for retirement, though it is quite acceptable to ponder what life will be like when this time comes. Do not take on excessive responsibilities, but seek you best balance now. As balance, for example, I like the idea of taking responsibility for the grounds around the UCM building. This would take time, but it is good physical exercise, and you could be proud of the appearance of that central location. Ponder this further, always considering what you have to do to keep your own place beautiful.

You anticipate that the leadership of this ARIS “project” will eventually fall to you. It is not a task you relish, but Bob needs your support. He has a talent he is using in My service, and his life is improving, but he still is vulnerable. You can set a limit to your tenure, but I approve of this departure from your reluctance to be chair of anything. Take no further responsibilities in your professional organizations, and you do well in continuing to distance yourself from these activities.

It is about time to try to revive the sexual relationship with your loving wife, Lenore. Ponder this further, but also take some action. Talk about it, hard as you anticipate this being. Your basic plan is a good one, and you shall have to accept some non-success. Your relationship with Lenore is good. It just could be better. But you mut take the initiative. And I do know how you don’t like to fail!

MON., JULY 27, 1992, 6:10 AM

The blessed drive to this familiar place went well, with plenty of time to ponder the state of your life. You were awakened early with itching, so you have done what is best in times of early rising… coming to Me with this pen and pad. Yes, o son, I shall help you ponder, ere you go to your meeting and then start on the return trip.

You are quite properly related to My Body, the church. You offer yourself in many ways, and the Body profits therefrom. Your . . .

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