A Time To Rend And A Time To Sew

THURS., MAR. 18, 1982, 5:47 AM

Another lesson in the Biblical yin and yang concept, o son. Hear and write as the colors of the morning sky change before your eyes, heralding another fine Spring day. You have much to accomplish, but a whole uncommitted day before you.

A time to sew is a time to bring matters together, in calmness and serenity… to be neat and orderly. Sewing is a symbol for joining things together that have not been related or together… or that have been related but torn apart. Sewing can be major construction of a “new creation” on down to very minor repair.

So, there are times when it is prudent, even necessary, to be constructive, in a quiet, peaceful style… to do things decently and in order.

Now you might think that this would be the ideal situation, one that should prevail all of the time. Not so. The rhythm that is life says that this would be akin to having each day warm, sunny, and cloudless. Too much of a “good thing” becomes dull, repetitious, and, ultimately, destructive.

There must be times to rend, which symbolizes a time to pull apart that which is neatly together, a time to express feelings and emotions (even violently and loudly), a time to question the authority which has “things as they are”, a time to jumble the neatness which is becoming oppressive.

As Jesus, there were times in which I was a marvelous healer of people and of relationships. I said Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth… and Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God. And then I stirred things up by disrupting the “normal” sales within the temple, and I charged the Pharisees with being too concerned about the cleanliness of the outside of the cup. I did most of my rending with the pious religious leaders of My people. The time for rending often must involve some nice, complacent people.

Some individuals and peoples, even, have more of a role as those who sew, while others are called to be those who rend. Each person does not have the same balance. You are more of a sew-er, but when it is time to rend you may be the one who must do the rending, even though it isn’t really “your thing”.

THURS., MAR. 18, 1982, 5:47 AM

Another lesson in the Biblical yin and yang concept, o son. Hear and write as the colors of the morning sky change before your eyes, heralding another fine Spring day. You have much to accomplish, but a whole uncommitted day before you.

A time to sew is a time to bring matters together, in calmness and serenity… to be neat and orderly. Sewing is a symbol for joining things together that have not been related or together… or that have been related but torn apart. Sewing can be major construction of . . .

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