A Time To Rest?

FRI., DEC. 10, 1993, 6:33 AM

The close of this semester seemed a bit more wearing than ones in the past. The press of the Survival lectures (that would have been your last, but weren’t) and the final class sessions out here, six of them, produced stress, even as you enjoyed the individual processes. The final exams you have given out will all come back, and you shall have much reading and grading to do. But now, for a few days, there shall be time to rest… but let’s see if it happens that way.

You have stayed away from this time with Me for almost a week, which is a record not to be proud of. I could understand what you had to do, but I shouldn’t have to remind you of ultimate priorities. Remember that it is not a matter of how many Teachings a week you can amass, or even the significance of their titles and contents. It is a matter of commitment to Me and an affirmation that spirit is the essence of life and of health… and that spirit is nurtured when you take up this pen. You are experiencing one of your infrequent times of illness now. Is it just coincidence that it develops after this time away from Me? Even as your spirit was warmed by some of the papers you were reading and grading it was missing its most essential nutriment – the Presence that comes with these Teachings.

So, in these few days of rest before the finals onslaught come to Me often to energize your spirit, which shall also enhance your healing and adaptation process. It would be silly to stay sick longer than necessary. Spirit is the main power in this process, and I am its Source… a flat-out statement.

As you plan next semester’s course requirements, keep this experience in mind. Though each paper that you assign has merit you must acknowledge your age, and your fading capacities. Just as you can’t run as you used to, so you cannot tackle simultaneous stacks of papers at the semester’s end, returning all of them promptly, with comments. It is a noble attempt, but consider this time in your career, and opt more for the gentle easing out rather than the precipitous drop from increasingly grueling experiences. (I exaggerate, but you see the truth that underlies.)

The roses need your attention, and your garden plots should be tended before the ground hardens for the season. You have been burning wood carefully but extensively, and the supply needs reinforcing. You should go through the winter season with fewer rabbits, and you know what this requires. Your cattle herd should be reduced, and that shall happen soon. You have accomplished some clean-up, but more is needed, particularly around the barn. Outside chores abound.

Then there are the letters and cards, some long overdue. The letter about the convention is quite late, but still needs to be written and sent. This should be done during your “rest time.” And, of course, the Ruminations should be completed before Christmas. Get the relevant Teachings copied during this “rest time,” with the actual writing after finals are read and grades have been turned in. You do recognize that I have sent you yet another student, one who has been My servant for some time, and who may profit from this spiritual relationship with you. You have made the overture. It now is up to her, but be active in your followup.

Your church-tasks are almost up to date, but they shall continue, naturally. These are important, but it may be time to balance them again, somewhat differently. You have announced your withdrawal from the UCM Board, with a final gift that they should appreciate. This is proper, and you served moderately well. Consider whether it is time to give up the task of Session Clerk, for some responsibility a bit less demanding.

FRI., DEC. 10, 1993, 6:33 AM

The close of this semester seemed a bit more wearing than ones in the past. The press of the Survival lectures (that would have been your last, but weren’t) and the final class sessions out here, six of them, produced stress, even as you enjoyed the individual processes. The final exams you have given out will all come back, and you shall have much reading and grading to do. But now, for a few days, there shall be time to rest… but let’s see if it happens that way . . .

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