A Time To Rest… Then A Time To Teach

WED., AUG. 1, 1984, 6:18 AM

The season is not usual this year. You normally would be sweating profusely, even in this early morning, in this time of rest from your vocation. Instead you experience the coolness which is not expected for more than a month. Enjoy this time… and My message shall be – make it profitable, as well as restful. It is a time to rest from teaching, but certainly not from productive activity. That time shall come, but it surely is not now.

There is value in rest, but, for you, o son, only as a means to doing more of what I would have you do. And that, of course, is writing. It is a small, developing talent, but it is useful to Me, and it is one of the main ways that you serve others and encourage the consideration of spirit in them. You have no major paper going now, and that is not as it should be. Use this time to set some goals, even some tentative dates, for professional papers… to be presented as well as written.

You have the responsibility for two newsletters now, and you shall be able to do that without too much trouble. Each is a means for you to communicate what is important to you, as well as to others. Never flag in zeal for this opportunity, even as it seems to be mainly a chore.

You must give the assistance to Kris that she seeks. You have put that off long enough. Her willingness to be a servant of Mine is holding up, but you are the one who must bolster her and encourage her. This is a small task, and I would have you do it for her.

Then there are letters to be written to the “women on the beach”, with whom you shared spiritual matters that last day in Hawaii. You made some promises you have not kept… and you now have Teachings to send, so set a small goal of one a day. They shall not be all equally “profitable”, and I shall not tell you what I know, but I simply urge you to fulfill this promise.

The main task, of course, is your (Our) next Ruminations, which should be out at the end of this new month. (My, I can become enthralled with this phenomenon of time and the need to set and meet deadlines, can’t I?! Remember the basic principle, and balance it with this time-centered Teaching.) It shall focus on love, and you have more than enough already as sources. Reproduce them all, for you may have use for these, as a set of Teachings, at a later time. This letter shall have one or two complete Teachings and then shorter quotes from others. It shall be a positive, spiritual experience for you to compose this, and many subsequent readers will gain from having it. It shall not take you as long as you now think.

As you let your mind flow to other opportunities you value these, too, and anticipate no real rest during this short time. Just know that it is rest from teaching, and that is an important rest… even as you must use some of it to prepare for the Fall’s course opportunities. The paucity of films means that you must reorient the courses, and though this shall take some time and effort, it shall give them each a “new” quality that you need about now.

WED., AUG. 1, 1984, 6:18 AM

The season is not usual this year. You normally would be sweating profusely, even in this early morning, in this time of rest from your vocation. Instead you experience the coolness which is not expected for more than a month. Enjoy this time… and My message shall be – make it profitable, as well as restful. It is a time to rest from teaching, but certainly not from productive activity. That time shall come, but it surely is not now.

There is value in rest, but, for you, o son, only as . . .

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