A Time To Talk… And To Listen

SAT., FEB. 11, 1989, 5:48 AM

I have told you repeatedly that there is no need for you to constantly or regularly be telling others of this relationship We have and about these Teachings I offer you. Yet I have pushed you to compose and send out four issues a year of your Ruminations, and I have recommended the Sunday morning class as a means of letting some others profit from My thoughts to you. Now I am beginning to offer you some other opportunities to talk about this gift… and today is one. You were reasonable. You considered that there would not be time for a Teaching unless you awoke early. So I awakened you. Hear Me, o son.

I have told you that you needn’t be wasting good earth time in searching for spiritual truth. I have given you the best means for you, and I want you to give it the time necessary for understanding. I also have told you that I communicate in a variety of ways. This is a direct one, but I can also come to you in the spiritual stories of others. This can be such a time today.

You are to take some representative materials, and see what opportunities arise. Be prepared. Be both humble and forthright. You must never lose the sense of humility concerning the fact that I, the Holy Spirit, offer you tangible Teachings rather directly. Yet these years of experience with Me as friend and counselor should bolster your confidence in talking about Our relationship and about spiritual matters that you now understand because of these Teachings.

It would be well for you to rehearse some short version of your spiritual story as you do your chores and then travel to the camp. Hear Me, even in that exercise, helping you decide what should be said. I do not want you to dominate this day, but I also do not want you to be reticent and retiring.

If the matter of continuing life should come up (and the A.R.E. can be mentioned in your story) share the truth that I have emphasized with you, using the terms “eternal life” or “everlasting life.” You always have been because your spirit, the essence of you, has come forth from Me. When? Creation and manifestation is timeless outside of the earth, so this is a meaningless question. Why? Because I caused this creation. This is what I do, and I enjoy it. Now that you are a “separate spirit” you have opportunities for development and maturity. Becoming a human here in the earth, with a body and mind, being in a family and in a culture, having a life work… these are part of a unique chance to grow.

And there is no “hurry”. There are no prizes for those who mature the “fastest” and no scorn for those who fail repeatedly to be the spiritual being of which each is capable. As Jesus, I said the last shall be first, and the first last. The truth of this is that the soul who humbly admits that his life is not very productive and that spiritual insights seem ever far away may be advancing more than you, with all of your knowledge and assurance.

This is not a race, despite what Paul once wrote. It is not a race with one winner. It is a maturing process that is only infrequently in time. You can put in some dates, in your story, but emphasize that time is finally unimportant in the process.

Your path is a Christian path, but one not hindered by the finality of death nor by the inactivity of heaven. I, your Teacher, am the Holy Spirit of the Triune God of Christianity. Affirm this. Yet know that I am absolutely unlimited in how I can come to spirits in souls along other paths… even those not like yours at all. Yours is not a “better” path. It simply is yours. Any other would be much less productive and enjoyable, for you.

You are fortunate in being able to combine, in several ways, your spiritual path and your professional one. You are a professor, which gives you the right to profess in relation to spirit as a factor in health. Others may disagree with your professions, but the university is an arena in which such can and must be made. Continue to explore and teach about this spiritual dimension in human health. I have given you this opportunity.

SAT., FEB. 11, 1989, 5:48 AM

I have told you repeatedly that there is no need for you to constantly or regularly be telling others of this relationship We have and about these Teachings I offer you. Yet I have pushed you to compose and send out four issues a year of your Ruminations, and I have recommended the Sunday morning class as a means of letting some others profit from My thoughts to you. Now I am beginning to offer you some other opportunities to talk about this gift… and today is one. You were reasonable . . .

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