A Time To Weep And A Time To Laugh

WED., JUNE 23, 1982, 5:58 AM

This morning can accomplish two matters, o son… a continuation of My explication of these descriptions of “the real world” by the writer of Ecclesiastes and some comments on the happenings that have been part of this trip. It matters not that I use the same title more than once, but it is important that you know these teachings well enough to recognize this… a subtle nudge toward rereading or at least toward regular review of the Tables of Contents. We must keep a proper rhythm or balance between new teachings and continued familiarity with ones previously given.

The earth realm is one of continuous interplay between the extremes of sorrow and joy. For important reasons these do not balance out equally for all individuals, families, or cultures during any particular era. I have told you that you have chosen to be in this American middle class culture of this time, which is a life experience not particularly “open” to spiritual manifestations. Now I shall add that it is an experience with more laughter and less weeping (or cause for weeping) than many others. So, yes… you do experience many more times to laugh than times to weep. It will generally continue this way, though I shall not give you any clear prophesies for your future.

Consider this trip. It has been an almost entirely happy experience… no car trouble, pleasant relationships with old and new friends and a professional performance that was well done. (Thank you). I did have to “engineer” that one incident in the breakfast line that restored your humility in at least a step toward weeping. It is certainly all right for you to be having such a trip, but never lose the appreciation for it as only one facet of total reality, one you are privileged to be experiencing.

You were present at the alcohol studies meeting, but not long enough to experience much time for weeping. But you do know that that rather happy meeting comes about because My creation alcohol brings much misery… much time for weeping. With it you, personally, have had more pleasure than pain, but continue to appreciate that for some the balance is different. Never lose the perspective that Bottle of Wine is a reality to match Tiny Bubbles. Don’t bother yourself with numbers, percentages, or proportions… there is a time for each.

Do not isolate and insulate yourself from stories and experiences that represent the times to weep in relation to drinking. Your contribution to the alcohol field shall lose it vitality if your perspective, from your selected experiences, leans too far toward “laughing”.

WED., JUNE 23, 1982, 5:58 AM

This morning can accomplish two matters, o son… a continuation of My explication of these descriptions of “the real world” by the writer of Ecclesiastes and some comments on the happenings that have been part of this trip. It matters not that I use the same title more than once, but it is important that you know these teachings well enough to recognize this… a subtle nudge toward rereading or at least toward regular review of the Tables of Contents. We must keep a proper rhythm or balance between . . .

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