A Time To Write

SAT., JUNE 19, 1982, 6:18 AM

Your life has been busy with many matters this week, o son, and many of these have had importance, but this morning, in this new but friendly place, it is a time to write. You know the process. Just listen for the words that flow and write them as you feel them. Your education is far from complete at this time. Continue to learn… and to share that others might learn. I, the Holy Spirit, really have no reluctance in being a teacher. It is essentially an attuning process, and you, by this time, are relatively good at it. So hear… and write.

As Michael’s song says, “The world is full of many different kinds of folks”. There is an almost infinite variety in the combinations of sperm and egg, cultural practices and personal responses to and interpretations of these practices. And there is great variety in the spirits that inhabit and potentially grow in these human forms in human societies. When I decided to create, I used variety as a major criterion.

Now some would say, either as a Christian or out of some Eastern tradition, that these differences are not important because as “we come to Christ” or come into My being in some ways the differences all fall away. “We are all one in Christ.” True, but not true. This would be akin to saying, “all flowers are the same because they all eventually die and are discarded” (and, incidentally, continue to be part of the life generation process). Flowers have different beauties. The mountain laurel before you is smaller and simpler than a rose. Is one more beautiful than another? Would you have just one perfect form of flower, and all others exactly like it? This is a concept of beauty that is not Mine.

Here you visit old friends… and then there shall be new people to meet. Be continuously aware for the spirit that is particularly attuned to yours… perhaps even in other realms and lives. These encounters are the gems of life, and they may occur when you least expect them.

At the same time (and you recognize the style of being I urge upon you) do not be overconcerned or burdened with making such discernments. To concentrate on identifying only kindred spirits deprives you of the value of interacting with some who may be mountain laurel to your rose… or to your marigold. “The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof”. Do not try overhard to limit and delimit life’s experiences to those that shall be enjoyable, productive, and educative. Know that as you just allow the rhythm of your life experience to flow that you shall learn much… and so often from situations you did not plan nor select.

A time to write. For you there are many “times to write”. You know that your gifts and your developed talents are not outstanding, but they are yours to exercise and use. Writing is one of these. I shall begin to nag you about the next Ruminations. Be aware of this on Sunday and Monday… and even later in the week. Keep those cards and letters flowing. Your folks, Marianne, Jean… for some, letters; for others, just a card or a note. I’ll also remind you of the songs that remain… as yet unwritten.

There are stories to write… so many short stories of the spirit being a significant part of the health of humans. Yes, that means that you function better… are a healthier person… because your spirit directs, unifies, and plays its role in your life situations. Tell the stories, in written form, of how spirit is expressed and how spirit develops.

Be aware of the many manifestations of spirit that each day of life here in the earth offers to you. Know that I shall continue to be one of the most interesting and unique. When it is time to write, here I am. Don’t try hard to be convincing to others. Just tell your story… and accept My help in that telling… and writing.

7:16 AM