A Time To Write

SAT., DEC. 2, 1989, 6:55 AM

This is a day for some admonishing. You know that I urge you in certain ways, but that I also allow you much freedom to choose. I want you to be My servant, but voluntarily. And yet through these rather tangible Teachings I have a way of influencing you that is more direct than I have with most people, including most clergy. I am generally supportive of your life style and of the choices you make. However, hear again, o son, My initial greeting: this is a day for some admonishing.

You have a capacity, with which I have helped you but that you also have developed. This is letter writing. Letters are a marvelous way of communicating. In writing a letter you can choose words more carefully than you do in a conversation. In an exchange of letters there can be the equivalent of a conversation, and one that can be examined and reexperienced repeatedly, as needed.

I shall remind you again that a goodly portion of My New Testament Scriptures are letters written to fledgling churches. The letter thus becomes a form of Scripture. I guided you to the letter form for your Ruminations. You have completed the writing of this last one for 1989, and it is a good one… unfortunately just a bit too long. That must be put into printed form this week and sent out before the real “Christmas rush.” It is the closest you will come to writing Scripture.

You shall continue the gift to your parents of a letter each month, with more diligence in including pictures, clippings, or other ways to share your life with them. You realize, as you are hearing Me now, that you are late with this month’s letter. That shall be your first one, under My current admonishment program.

The others shall come in any order, but I want you to realize more fully what you have done. You have put aside these letter writing opportunities, and now you have so many back-logged that it is preventing you from writing any. I am here this day to help you break this jam and write as you should. Though you may use this first waking hour of the morning on some days, this letter writing assignment is NOT to take the place of receiving these Teachings, with the regularity that We have established.

So… make a list of the letters that must or should be written. Collect in one folder the letters to which you should respond. The order is not important to Me, but I am asking for one per day. You know the time that you waste watching television. I am asking only that you curtail this use of time, not give it up. It is acceptable recreation, but it has become too excessive for you now. Choose programs more carefully, using some of that time saved for writing the letters I am urging. For every one has spiritual connotations.

You must respond to Chris rather soon. She has written a long letter, for her, and she deserves an answer. I even shall offer you a Teaching this next week that shall help with her dilemma. You know she is one of My chosen ones, but she is having some trouble adapting to her new life. Together We can help.

Nancy needs a reply. You were initially diligent, and then you faltered. Send her what you have copied. Anajean is another who needs a reply. I have brought you two together, though your spiritual paths are quite different. But you both are servants of Mine, and I want your paths to keep crossing. Then there is Ruth, Dorothy, and even Kris. And, most importantly, you have not responded as you should have to the news from Jean. Her letter was so special, and you have let it stay unanswered… and did not collect the tributes to little Nick that you intended.

SAT., DEC. 2, 1989, 6:55 AM

This is a day for some admonishing. You know that I urge you in certain ways, but that I also allow you much freedom to choose. I want you to be My servant, but voluntarily. And yet through these rather tangible Teachings I have a way of influencing you that is more direct than I have with most people, including most clergy. I am generally supportive of your life style and of the choices you make. However, hear again, o son, My initial greeting: this is a day for some admonishing . . .

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