A Touch Of Affluence

TUES., OCT. 26, 1993, 7:16 PM

You find yourself in a most unusual place, a place inhabited or owned by some of the affluent of your culture. It is a feeling both of comfort and slight unease. It is a place you never could aspire to, and thus you feel out of place. Yet you have a good relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, so that you can assume, with much comfort, that what happens to you is “as I desire.” Our Ruminations have helped bring and keep you and Enide together, so why shouldn’t she share this place with you, for a brief time?

Comfort is yours to enjoy on your Farm, in a funky, aging dwelling. This is as much of a contrast as you’ve experienced, but because your ultimate comfort is in Me it can be a joyous, quiet experience. Balance the next two days as seems best to you. The sessions can be interesting and helpful, but you could accomplish some good here also. I shall not tell you what to do… other than to spend some time with My servant Stephen (and you can tell him this).

The time you spent with Michele and Ellen was time I enjoyed. There was good sharing, and an ease in talking about spiritual experiences. They are both women to whom I respond, and I appreciate their prayers and devotion. Both have had times of trial and relative hardship, and have come through well. They can be assured that I am quite aware of their lives and do appreciate the ways in which each of them lives and serves Me.

As you listened to speakers today there was that ambivalence… you are all part of a diverse but identifiable profession, but so many of their experiences you haven’t had. In your relative isolation at your University and on your Farm you have more than a touch of affluence… the affluence of not experiencing the problems behind so many of the sessions. It is difficult to retain and feel the positive perspective on health that I continue to urge on you when you are in an atmosphere so dominated by problems. It is a kind of affluence to hold to such a premise. The problems mostly are real, but, on balance, remember that this earth scene is just about as I want it to be.

More than a touch of affluence is yours to enjoy with all of these graduates who remember and mostly admire you. You are affluent when you are remembered positively by so many. This is much more to be desired than money or what money can provide. You know this… and I say this not to denigrate this present experience, but just to remind you.

It shall be hard for you to finish the papers that you brought with you, but they are another form of affluence. Your present students have done so well on these assignments, and you must respond to these “riches” with your attention and comments. You have time now, but you shall be rushed decidedly when you return, so you’d better make time for the attention these papers deserve. These, too are unique riches that come to you.

It is difficult for you to truly realize what material affluence is. This is a touch… and more… quite beyond your lifestyle. Yet how affluent are you in comparison to those you see on the streets? And how affluent are they, beyond the poor of Africa, Asia, and Latin American? “The poor you have always with you,” I said, as Jesus. In smaller numbers, the rich also, I could add. And yet I say that there is only a small correlation between material wealth and the wealth that is spiritual.

As you hear Me and write what you hear you are supremely affluent, much more so than many around you on this hill, whose checkbooks surpass yours mightily. Even some who suffer various types of pain can be richer than others who see life as drab and meaningless, even as they seem successful. You shall be sharing your “brand” of affluence with Enide as a match with what she has shared with you.

TUES., OCT. 26, 1993, 7:16 PM

You find yourself in a most unusual place, a place inhabited or owned by some of the affluent of your culture. It is a feeling both of comfort and slight unease. It is a place you never could aspire to, and thus you feel out of place. Yet you have a good relationship with Me, the Holy Spirit, so that you can assume, with much comfort, that what happens to you is “as I desire.” Our Ruminations have helped bring and keep you and Enide together, so . . .

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