A Tragic Blast

WED., APR. 26, 1995, 9:06 AM

I have not commented to you on the blast hat destroyed a building and shook a nation… just one week ago, almost at this time. A number were killed outright, many more were injured, and some still lie dead and buried in the rubble. Your culture certainly wants someone or some persons to blame, for to most it seems a senseless loss of life. What do I say to you about this fatal blast?

Many of those who had loved ones die have been distraught, and I have heard prayers with a wide range of feeling. Could I have prevented this from happening? Of course. I have ultimate power in this earth realm, and I have complete knowledge of all that is happening, in actuality and potentiality. Why, then? … a question many have asked, including My old and faithful servant, Billy. The answer is much too complex for you to understand. Just trust that, as you have observed, there is much spiritual good coming from this violent happening. I did not cause it to happen, but I could have prevented it… as I did other possible tragedies on that day, and every day.

Saving and prolonging earth lives is a very minor part of My functioning. (In fact, as I have told you often, I am almost equally concerned with how best to reduce human life, for the sustainability of this small, finite planet). My major interest in in the growth and development of spirit, and life here in the earth is only one of many ways this can occur. Some who died in this blast were good earth servants of Mine, and they were welcomed as they came on over (including some whose bodies will not be extricated for some time… if ever, in any recognizable form). Others, unfortunately, (even some of the older ones) have made little or no spiritual progress in their earth lives… and thus death is not a happy experience for them. Babies and small children are rather “special” when it comes to death. They haven’t had much incarnated life experience, but the dying process is still one that can enrich a spirit. That’s enough to say here.

Your culture is quite ambivalent about violence. There is much rhetoric against it now, as in the week past. Yet violence continues in various places, reported, sometimes graphically, in the press. Violence is portrayed in various ways. Your nation “must” have greater capacity to kill enemies than any other, and weapons of greater destruction continue to be designed and produced. I find it particularly interesting that the force of this explosion came from a somewhat simple bringing together of fertilizer and fuel oil, both essential to the continuation of the good life. Valuable, peaceful products can combine to make a tragic blast. Government, which does much good for its people, directly and indirectly, can be hated, targeted, and attacked, with loss of life and property.

The more diverse a population the harder it is for government to serve all, as it hopes to do. Giving citizens freedom produces much good… and also tragedies such as this. Restricting freedoms as prevention shall have variable results, certainly not all as designed & desired. Governments can never be perfect, for serving some in a population well may guarantee, almost, that others are ill-served. This is the earth experience. While government of some sort is necessary I can tell you of no form that works perfectly and that is approved by all. I refused to take the government upon My shoulders, remember.

WED., APR. 26, 1995, 9:06 AM

I have not commented to you on the blast hat destroyed a building and shook a nation… just one week ago, almost at this time. A number were killed outright, many more were injured, and some still lie dead and buried in the rubble. Your culture certainly wants someone or some persons to blame, for to most it seems a senseless loss of life. What do I say to you about this fatal blast?

Many of those who had loved ones die have been distraught, and I have heard prayers . . .

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