A Trip Completed

SAT., NOV. 28, 1992, 6:50 AM

You prayed for a safe and speedy return from this holiday trip. It was safe, and just a bit less than speedy. I couldn’t quite control the oil leak, but I kept you alert to it, and you “limped” to the Farm at a comfortable speed. This also kept your thoughts positive, and I appreciated this.

Now you have some letters to write, more important than those already “backed up.” A thank you note to the Smiths is certainly merited, along with a copy of several Teachings. David is a fine medical doctor, and he has established a reputation as a doctor and as an active Christian. Yet he needs more encouragement to recognize the spiritual dimension to maladies that seem to be only physical. His reluctance is natural, for medical education and resident experience are powerful shapers of thought and action. He could not treat cancer the ways Chris seeks, and he would be very uncomfortable among the healers in Santa Fe (as you heard them described). Yet he could give a bit more consideration to the spirit as an important aspect of the healing process, and you are the one to help him develop in this way.

Your son Bob is an earnest Christian (in a more liturgical mode than is comfortable for you) and a hard worker. He does many things well, and he certainly has a vision of how his “place” shall eventually look. It is unfortunate that his work situation is not pleasant and satisfying. It is a difficult situation for him at his level, but he is making it worse by an attitude perceived to be combative. It shall continue to be hard for him to balance his time and energies, and I can’t help, much, with that. I can assist in buoying up his spirit, and it is critical for him to have his spirit energized by Mine. Thus, his tasks and decisions, while not easier, will just seem easier, he shall accomplish more, and shall be happier in the process. Having a “long view” of life mystically helps live it day-by-day.

Chris has been disappointed in not finding an ideal healer close to where she is. Yet her spirit is a positive, healing one, and she must continue to see this potentially dangerous growth of her own cells as a challenge more to her spirit than to her body. Singing must be an important element in her response to this body malfunction. She can sing now, more with the spirit I love and for Me than in times past. If she continues to seek the help she needs she shall find it. The critical factor will be her spiritual release from the Festival responsibilities she has assumed, seeking her best treatment without excessive focus upon self. I have blessed her work with this symbolically important Festival, so she must move from this as if she were doing an even more vital service for Me. I just want her motivations to be unselfish, for the real challenge of this disease condition, from My perspective (naturally!) is that of resisting the temptation to become over-concerned with self, living for Me and for others. This is the best condition for healing.

SAT., NOV. 28, 1992, 6:50 AM

You prayed for a safe and speedy return from this holiday trip. It was safe, and just a bit less than speedy. I couldn’t quite control the oil leak, but I kept you alert to it, and you “limped” to the Farm at a comfortable speed. This also kept your thoughts positive, and I appreciated this.

Now you have some letters to write, more important than those already “backed up.” A thank you note to the Smiths is certainly merited, along with a copy of several Teachings. David is a . . .

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