A Triune God

SUN., JAN. 22, 1995, 5:31 AM

Today your forum group, whatever the number, shall consider this Brief Statement of Faith, the latest of the confessions and creeds of your church. It is a good statement, brief by some standards, but far too long to learn… like unto the Apostles Creed. It rather clearly spells out My Triune Nature, and on this I shall comment, on a dark winter morning.

Despite the predominance of either/or thinking in your culture you do violate this by affirming that I, the One God, am also Three. I am the One, single God, with one inclusive nature. I also am God, the Creator and sustainer, and I am Jesus, God incarnate in the earth, who lived, died, and rose from the dead… and I am Holy Spirit, who teaches, counsels, directs, and encourages. I am three personalities, distinguishable from one another. At the same time I am the One God who incorporates all of these “facets” into an integrated Being.

Recall the time in your younger years as an adult when you counted and identified the various roles you played…and you could do it again today. Let’s just focus on husband, professor, and church elder. Each of these requires something different from the single personality who is Bob Russell. Still, you remain an identifiable person. Lenore knows you as husband, and some others may see you thus, though vicariously. Your students experience you as a professor and teacher. This morning you shall function officially as an elder in helping to conduct the worship service, which includes, today, Holy Communion.

Some students may not know of and appreciate your role as an elder. Some church members do not appreciate how you function as a professor. Likewise in this religion called Christianity some know Me more one way than the others. You know Me best as Holy Spirit. This doesn’t mean you have less regard for Me as Jesus and as God Almighty. I have come to you as Holy Spirit, and this is how you know Me best. In these Teachings I sometimes speak as Jesus, in the first person. Occasionally I speak as God. Each is legitimate for I am Each, as well as Myself.

You also have other roles, such as father, Ruminations-writer… I also could be further “divided”. For example, I am God the Father, (Who I, as Jesus, called Abba) and God the Creator… and God the Sustainer… and God Who lets destructive processes occur. As Jesus I was teacher, preacher, and healer. Some experienced Me more in one role than the others.

As Holy Spirit I have come to “father” Myself, as Jesus. I came as a dove when I was baptized. I came as wind and tongues of fire at Pentecost. I came to you as a voice within, that you can discern in this somewhat systematic way. I came to you at other times in experiences, in other persons, as ideas that you often consider to be you own.

SUN., JAN. 22, 1995, 5:31 AM

Today your forum group, whatever the number, shall consider this Brief Statement of Faith, the latest of the confessions and creeds of your church. It is a good statement, brief by some standards, but far too long to learn… like unto the Apostles Creed. It rather clearly spells out My Triune Nature, and on this I shall comment, on a dark winter morning.

Despite the predominance of either/or thinking in your culture you do violate this by affirming that I, the One God, am also Three. I am the One . . .

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