A Triune God I Am

SUN., JAN. 21, 1996, 6:25 AM

This morning you may have a chance to lead a forum consideration of Me, as Jesus, and My relationship to God. It is interesting, now isn’t it, that the principal religion of this rational culture of yours is this Christianity of Mine, with the nature of its God being quite mystical. Let Me help you with this non-rational story of Me.

As God Almighty, the Creator, I have always been. However long ago present astronomers decide anything “out there” came into “being”… I was before that, either directly creating or allowing creation to take place. Much of creation may seem to have evolved because that was a method I used. But was I alone during these early times of creation?

I am the Only God. There is none other. Then I’ll say that a part of My Oneness is the Spirit that both was and became Jesus AND the Spirit that was and became Holy. As Jesus I was Creator, not created. As Holy Spirit I have always been, was a Co-Creator rather than part of Creation.

And yet you recently have celebrated, again, My birth, as Jesus. That was a reality, but it was only a symbolic beginning of My life. And My death on the cross was only a symbolic ending of My life, for the benefit of you humans, even now. At Pentecost I came as Holy Spirit, but I have always been. Could I come again, in yet some other “form”. Of course, but I see no need for such at this time. But it’s possible. As you consider what you know about Me, could you affirm that anything is impossible with Me?

It is natural that you are confused by the concept of Messiah and its application to Me, as Jesus. Think mystically. That’s the key. Through prophets I told My chosen people, the Jews, that there would be a Messiah to save them and return them to autonomy, even power. Other prophesies seemed to describe this Messiah as a suffering servant, the God-equivalent of these people.

They preferred the conquering image, and on what you now call Palm Sunday I seemed to play that role. I came into Jerusalem as a King would and should come. But then I switched. I did nothing to prevent My arrest, conviction, and crucifixion. My body did suffer, but in fulfilling My destiny I was the Christ I was meant to be. And this meant I was also the King I was meant to be… and always have been.

I have said to you that My “favorite” form of government is a benevolent King. I still say that. Representative democracy may seem to be better when there is no truly natural leader, or when various persons or factions are powerful and vie with each other. Yet a government that shuts down because of power struggles over what is “right” loses some of its ideal quality. Yet I admit that it would be difficult for a benevolent king to rule your country. A King can’t truly be benevolent without resources… that is, you can’t give away what you don’t have. So, to have, you must take… some forms of taxation. Your country can’t be ruled, even benevolently, because you want more from government than you’re willing to be taxed for… and/or you can’t agree on what “proper taxation” should be used for. You can see why I wouldn’t want to be the earthly King of your nation.

SUN., JAN. 21, 1996, 6:25 AM

This morning you may have a chance to lead a forum consideration of Me, as Jesus, and My relationship to God. It is interesting, now isn’t it, that the principal religion of this rational culture of yours is this Christianity of Mine, with the nature of its God being quite mystical. Let Me help you with this non-rational story of Me.

As God Almighty, the Creator, I have always been. However long ago present astronomers decide anything “out there” came into “being”… I was before that, either directly creating . . .

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