A Turning Point?

TUES., MAY 3, 1994, 5:13 AM

I call this an interesting question to raise on this day that you will again see your surgeon, after a night in which sleep has been elusive. Is this a turning point in your life, of any sort? Even as the surgery can be called a success, will you have a permanent disability, the continuation of the dysfunction that has not changed? Or is there evidence that the turn is back toward normality in walking, even running? More importantly, given the earlier cancer diagnosis, is this entrance into medical treatment only a beginning, or will you purposely remain outside, as much as possible?

Spiritually, has there been any change? Do you proceed along your spiritual path, with your hand firmly in Mine? Or are you wandering away, over-worried by physical phenomena? I’ll answer this by saying, first, that I see you firmly related to Me, increasingly comfortable with Our relationship and My Teachings to you. But then I’ll note that any event as commanding as a surgery can be a turning point, away from Me and My influence. Your being here this morning, early, is a good sign, a sign of commitment.

You have had to finish classes impersonally, without being present, a new experience for you. Is this a portent of the future? Are you sliding toward retirement or is this just an unusual blip in a career marked with responsibility and full participation? At any possible turning point it is good… and important… to consider alternative paths that you may choose to take or that may be forced upon you.

The picture of retirement that My servant Bill shared with you was clearly a partial one, with the negative, cynical side given more emphasis. Obviously his days of retirement are more than straight lawn-mowing, avoiding dancing and feeling ambivalent about golf and piano playing. I shall nudge him to stop here during July and have time for more exchange in relation to minds and spirits. What is he doing to keep these alive and well? You don’t anticipate troubles like unto what he talks about but considering alternatives before the actual situation arises is something I recommend, for you.

Was the arrival and reading of the journal The Last Days a turning point of any sort? You see the possibility, at least, of this being a means of publishing some of what I have shared with you. But is it time for such? You are thinking of sending copies of the two previous Teachings and a couple of Ruminations, just to get a reaction. I have told you that you needn’t be concerned about publishing beyond what you do now, but I see nothing wrong with this simple inquiry. Even a “no interest” could be helpful, in a way.

The main value of the experience was in its urging you to consider the “meat” of what I have taught you. I Am Love, but it is increasingly difficult to manifest this love for humans, when they are excessive and/or when their actions are harming and destroying much else in the earth that I love. Ecological sins are not emphasized in Holy Scripture, for such were not nearly as possible as in the present and the near future. But I do love humans as a part of a whole interactive creation more so than as just “free-standing” individuals. None of My courses for actions… except just let conditions continue as they are… will seem good to you Christians. But act I must, in some balancing way. So be ready.

You don’t feel a need for a spiritual turning point. If anything you would just give this spiritual aspect of life more attention… but to what do you give less attention? I have urged you to give more of your time and talent to professional writing, that which you have elected to reduce. I can’t egg you back to the pressures of your earlier professional life, but I do want you to continue to consider these other writings. You shall give up the Clerk duties soon, but other forms of service will present themselves. I have no clear plan for you. I just say… don’t give up the writing yet! I can’t recommend this turning point.

TUES., MAY 3, 1994, 5:13 AM

I call this an interesting question to raise on this day that you will again see your surgeon, after a night in which sleep has been elusive. Is this a turning point in your life, of any sort? Even as the surgery can be called a success, will you have a permanent disability, the continuation of the dysfunction that has not changed? Or is there evidence that the turn is back toward normality in walking, even running? More importantly, given the earlier cancer diagnosis, is this entrance into . . .

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