A Unique Sabbath

SUN., JAN. 6, 1991, 3:29 PM

Hear, o son, as I, the Holy Spirit, reflect on this day, thus far. Again, it will be proper for you to stop in the middle, because of time and because you have more yet to experience. A unique Sabbath it has been, even thus far.

You wish you were better able to communicate in this wonderfully lilting language, but I urge you just to relax and do the best you can. It is difficult for you, having done your thinking in English for these many years to follow a rapidly spoken oration. In addition, your hearing is a slight handicap. Yet you felt that you did understand, in some mystical way, what the service this morning was about. For there is a way in which the spirit can communicate and be communicated with only a few common words.

Your poor direction and judgment gave you a unique chance to talk with My servant David. He and Jay are special servants of Mine, pushing for an application of My Gospel, even in these latter years of their lives. As you know, it is not the only interpretation that I recommend, but it is an important counter to the selfishness and self-centeredness that some Christian congregations feel and exhibit. Most would not admit to this, but their uses of money, time, and resources show forth desire to “get ahead” and become more affluent, even as many people in the world have so little.

The meal you enjoyed this noon was simple but ample. Continue to regulate your consumption and get more exercise. This afternoon’s mistake was a blessing in that regard. Perhaps you shall develop even new and simpler ways of eating. This Sabbath may have been an impetus to such changes.

You now have further evidence that the powerful revolutionary spirit is waning here, but you did hear Me when you said not to close your mind to other impressions at this early time. The Christian church can be on both sides of this governmental issue, but the strongest leaning should be toward the equal distribution of basic means for living. Still, I say again that I have not created all individuals alike, and the aggressive and hard-working ones tend to prevail. You should be ashamed of your own country’s attempts to return to its power over Cuba. Perhaps economic chaos or some form of war will postpone that. Continue to be critical of this policy.

( 3:55 PM / 6:32 PM )

The sermon you just have heard was not offensive to you, but neither was it one that roused your passion for one side against another. You are not a fiery revolutionary as My servant Gil is. Your country does encourage and employ in ways that are harmful to some, and you have a right to be proud of your opposition to such. But there are other ways in which Americans have acted as My people and in which even the government has been benevolent. Remember that this education from which you have profited in so many ways was provided by this government that has been so criticized. Remember that if there were to be equality in the earth, entirely, you and your people would have to give up the most. The rich would be humbled, but it would be the great middle class that would feel the sacrifice the most. Earth was not meant to be a paradise. It never has been, and it never will be.

The church you attended this morning, though a relic of better times, was more of the expectation of equality than this one this afternoon. Yet people can choose to fund and build something beautiful, and this would be acceptable if all were at some status of equality. Otherwise, to build beautifully where the money could be for the benefit of those with less is a difficult theological question. What does God want? Remember that I have said people are desecrating My earth, and numbers must diminish… what should people do to accomplish this?

SUN., JAN. 6, 1991, 3:29 PM

Hear, o son, as I, the Holy Spirit, reflect on this day, thus far. Again, it will be proper for you to stop in the middle, because of time and because you have more yet to experience. A unique Sabbath it has been, even thus far.

You wish you were better able to communicate in this wonderfully lilting language, but I urge you just to relax and do the best you can. It is difficult for you, having done your thinking in English for these many years to follow a . . .

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