A Unique Sunday

SUN., JULY 25, 1982, 6:04 AM

You have the opportunity this day, o son, to create and experience a unique day of rest and worship. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. Remember that keeping it holy means that it is dedicated to Me. Anything dedicated to Me, or done with Me clearly in mind, is holy. It doesn’t have to be churchy, but it does have to have Me as the focus. That shall be your challenge of the day… at least of the morning.

Can you read with reverence? Can you listen, can you watch with Me in the forefront? Can you sing with spirit? (You can, certainly, but will you?) Your challenge of the moment is your itching back. Can you accept that as part of a Sabbath morning… an affliction to accept with open spirit? Considering the suffering it was Mine to experience, as Jesus, and that which was Paul’s daily to live with, is it not appropriate that you have a distracting affliction to offer to Me? Do not wish it away or try to pray it away. Just become aware of it and appreciate its spiritual value and significance.

Read from the Holy Scriptures. Read from and do the organizing task for these teachings of Mine that you have accumulated. Note again how a writing that can be quite situational and personal as you are originally writing it can show forth more lasting value as it is read later. Look for those unique expressions of truth as you read, listen, and view this day. Truth comes in many forms, and if you are aware you shall experience several today.

A clean desk, and room can be a spiritual experience (as, of course, a cluttered one can be as well… but try the clean one this day). Carry through the process with spirit… with awareness and appreciation… of Me and of the holiness of cleanliness. I shan’t give you details now. Just follow the leading of the spirit as the day develops.

Feel the different rhythm that comes in being alone. After a very active-with-people week just completed you are experiencing two days of yourself and the Farm. Even the work you do in relation to your job has a different quality to it… and it shall have even more of that today. You can be productive and you can be unproductive, but whatever you do, do it in a spirit of holiness. That is the challenge of the day. (No, there is nothing wrong with a little printed reminder or several. You know your motivation is clear and uncluttered now, but you also know how it diminishes when you put this pen aside.)

I still wish for you to be an active part of the Church, Presbyterian. You have a proper renewing of spirit in that congregation, and there are services that I would have you render through that means. Your class is important, so be sure that it shall continue through this next year. The Newsletter… yes, continue that also.

SUN., JULY 25, 1982, 6:04 AM

You have the opportunity this day, o son, to create and experience a unique day of rest and worship. Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy. Remember that keeping it holy means that it is dedicated to Me. Anything dedicated to Me, or done with Me clearly in mind, is holy. It doesn’t have to be churchy, but it does have to have Me as the focus. That shall be your challenge of the day… at least of the morning.

Can you read with reverence? Can you listen, can . . .

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