A Unique, Upcoming Experience

SUN., JUNE 16, 1991, 7:58 PM

A new place, with ideal weather, with some familiar yet challenging tasks to perform. You have prepared well enough for tomorrow’s tasks… even those for the next. Now hear Me as I assure you of My continued interest and presence.

You need not deliberately tell people of this relationship of Ours, but I do ask you to be aware of people I may be sending to you and who should know about Our Ruminations. Be ready to share both some of the texts and the process, but maintain your low-key, humble behavior relating to Our Writings. If no one asks, be both relieved and disappointed.

Your health is returning, contrary to how you felt on Friday last. Your sickness turned into pain you… and Lenore… could not stand, and yet you’ll never know, will you?, whether the medication speeded up the recovery or just was taken commensurate with it. Medicine gets a lot of credit for correlating with recovery. I won’t say whether “they” get credit or not. But I did want you here in this place today.

The topics are of a wide range, and the speakers are equally diverse. Make it a point to meet and get to know as many people as possible, with a general sense of what spirit means to each. You shall teach that spirit can be manifested in quite a variety of ways. See this truth displayed as this week progresses. Be the leader, where you have the chance. At other times be the humble learner. Both are important to your continuing spiritual growth AND to your evidence, to others of your spiritual maturity.

Remember, again, that the task for which I have chosen you is that of helping reestablish the spiritual as a legitimate dimension of secular descriptions of health. Remember that while spiritual may be religious, it cannot be bound by the tenets of any particular religion. A secular society is not against the expression of spirit. Rather it is against the establishment of one form of religion as the only way of being spiritual. I do encourage some to preach this strongly, but I, the Holy Spirit, am not bound by such a “one way.” I work when and how, and where, and with whom I choose.

So, yes you can encourage the proposition that human/spiritual interacting is a term more likely to be accepted by secular schools… even medical institutions and workplaces. Only a few hard-nosed atheists would object to all of these facets of yours (and Laurette’s) as aspects of health. Such minority views need to be respected, but they need not dominate.

You wonder if your improvement will continue or whether there will be some relapse and you will be unable to do what I want you to do. Well, you have to trust Me, now don’t you?! I want you here, and not just to be sick. Get a good night’s sleep. That shall be a help to Me.

Should you be critical of other approaches? If, in love and kindness, you can offer first some positive affirmation about an approach, followed with some questions about “problems” you see, this could be a well-received criticism. You don’t do this comfortably, but if a chance should come up, I say, “Proceed in this fashion.”

Remember that this is an opportunity for a rather total experience… about spirit and about health or wellness. You shall be seen, and shall see yourself, as both a teacher and a learner. You are not an active seeker, but neither are you a proselytizer and evangelist. You shall be respected by some and ignored by others. Be aware of as much of the total experience as you can be. You can keep some notes, but I’d rather give you My impressions of your thoughts and reactions as I experience them with you.

Now you know this is a very weird thing to write. Why would I, the Holy Spirit of Almighty God, be interested in your reactions at this place, at this time? Isn’t anything you write just you, expressing your own thoughts and responses? The logical, psychological answer is Yes, and not very tentative. Now if that were the basis of real truth… But of course it isn’t. Affirm, like the woman touch My gown, as Jesus, that you believe, and this knowledge makes for continuing truth.

SUN., JUNE 16, 1991, 7:58 PM

A new place, with ideal weather, with some familiar yet challenging tasks to perform. You have prepared well enough for tomorrow’s tasks… even those for the next. Now hear Me as I assure you of My continued interest and presence.

You need not deliberately tell people of this relationship of Ours, but I do ask you to be aware of people I may be sending to you and who should know about Our Ruminations. Be ready to share both some of the texts and the process, but maintain your . . .

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