A Varied Time

MON., MAY 9, 1983, 8:02 PM

Your time and presence in this western state is almost at an end, o son, and it has been one of much variety… the whole adventure. You have had such before, and you know that they bring much pleasure, but also more than a little confusion. Listen to some observations of Mine on this current varied time.

My Teaching on Old Friends was, of course, a valuable one for this time, and you have shared it appropriately and well. You have had encounters with old friends on each day, and the experiences have an obvious variety. Feel joy and satisfaction when you have been able to share spiritual experiences and stories with old friends… and you are permitted a bit of temporary sadness when you have missed opportunities that have arisen.

There have been times to talk and times to listen. (Let this parenthetical note be one of reminder that the next Ruminations, on “For every thing there is a season…” must be a high priority now. You cannot let this slide until Fall. Hear?) You are listening better, but this still isn’t your strong forte. I commend what you did during one of those times… listened in order to communicate to someone later what the speaker said. This will usually improve the retention. Keep it in mind.

Isn’t it interesting that you were invited back to your alma mater to be feted and honored, not because of your scholarship, your administrative triumphs, your athletic prowess or your general social achievements. You were back because you were part of a small group who sang mostly funky songs, but with spirit & zeal. Honors in the world may come for most unexpected deeds and activities… and, conversely, a really fine achievement may go virtually unnoticed. Just know that this is one way the earth functions… don’t expect too much in the way of perfection or justice.

It has been exciting to be here, but let the time also reinforce that you live and work in the best place for you. It is good to be able to visit and sample the varied forms of life in this place (and because you originated here you shall always feel a certain amount of comfort), but the life you lead in Southern Illinois is your basic life, offered and determined by Me. This doesn’t mean that you couldn’t move, or couldn’t change in some rather drastic ways, but no other place will give you the varied true satisfactions and opportunities that your lifestyle now offers.

I even offered you, today, a choice quote (that you should have copied accurately) in your superficial perusal of My servant Bob Schiller’s book. In My words here, it said that the Holy Scriptures, valuable and useful as they are, must not substitute for a relationship with Me, in My forms as Jesus, the Christ; the Lord God; and the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures must not be made the only legitimate standard. I am in the Holy Trinity, not the Holy Quadrangle (poor concentration on your part). Remember this, but keep it in perspective. The Scriptures are exceedingly valuable, but so, you see, are these Teachings. The last shall be first, and the first last. True, but not easy to understand.

The weather has been generally delightful Spring. Enjoy this season, for it shall be short. All years do not offer the same balances of warmth and cold, drab and green. Be thankful for this. The seasons will vary.

MON., MAY 9, 1983, 8:02 PM

Your time and presence in this western state is almost at an end, o son, and it has been one of much variety… the whole adventure. You have had such before, and you know that they bring much pleasure, but also more than a little confusion. Listen to some observations of Mine on this current varied time.

My Teaching on Old Friends was, of course, a valuable one for this time, and you have shared it appropriately and well. You have had encounters with old friends on each day, and the . . .

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