A Visit

THURS., APR. 25, 1991, 7:34 AM

Your Mother-in-law, My servant Mabel, is now on her way home after a short visit in your home. You read a portion of her life story, still being written, and you now know more about her life than you did before. You knew that I had called her in a special way, but now you have more appreciation for the drama of that call.

Your “calls”, hers and yours, are alike in the sense of writing. You are both called to write what you hear from Me. Such calls are not common, so, despite the differences, this is an important commonality. Not many are called to write down what I say, so that there is a permanent record.

But then there are differences. The chief one is that yours are Teachings that offer you insights on happenings in your everyday life and on My actions in the earth, past and present. There is not much given about the future, and only rarely is a Teaching about a specific person. In other words, these are not Words from the Lord to a person with a problem, while this is the essence of Mabel’s ministry. I have called on her to ask of Me, and I offer messages, of direction and consolation, to persons. Some seek her out. Others I send to her, in a variety of ways. She ministers, through this Gift, in My Name.

Her testimony indicates that she hears more clearly, and I am more insistent with her than with you. She has done this much longer than you have, her spirit is more developed than yours… and I just choose to flood her with My messages. I am not as insistent with you, and yet… could you not be here, writing My words to you, this morning?

You are interested that the language I use is still so different, as Teachings and Messages are compared. I have explained this before, but I’ll say it yet again. Most of those who receive Messages through her understand and appreciate this form of English. It sounds like the Word of the Lord they know and want to know. You are not one of these, so it would be poor judgment on My part (and I do not make poor judgments) to speak to you in such terms. I immersed her in My Word, King James style, and so she hears such wordings easily. Your Teachings, as they go beyond your use and appreciation of them, are to enlighten people who understand your language better. Need I say more?

You discovered another likeness. Her story tells that she was prevented from reading about other spiritual paths. Rather, she was directed to read only the Holy Scriptures… to immerse herself in My Word. You, too, could testify that I have turned you away from reading about other spiritual paths and journeys. I urge you to read My Scriptures and to reread these many Teachings I have given you. This combination is My prescription for your spiritual development.

You are both comfortable and uncomfortable with Mabel. You know that she accepts you, as a person, as a son-in-law, and as one called of Me, the Holy Spirit, more than she has in the past. This stimulates comfort. Though you know your relationship with Me is genuine and continuing, hers is more dramatic and more dominating. This encourages discomfort. There are ways in which she is more like you than many of your Presbyterian Christian friends. As you think about your own parents you see yourself somewhere between them and Mabel, and not comfortably close to either, in spiritual understanding and stance. You still let her dominate spiritual conversations. That’s uncomfortable, but it’s your fault. Don’t blame me for that.

THURS., APR. 25, 1991, 7:34 AM

Your Mother-in-law, My servant Mabel, is now on her way home after a short visit in your home. You read a portion of her life story, still being written, and you now know more about her life than you did before. You knew that I had called her in a special way, but now you have more appreciation for the drama of that call.

Your “calls”, hers and yours, are alike in the sense of writing. You are both called to write what you hear from Me. Such calls . . .

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