A Visit With Chris?

TUES., AUG. 10, 1993, 9:34 AM

The call from Chris a few days ago was a surprise, and a pleasant one. She is one who certainly understands and appreciates Our relationship, because hers, with Me, is somewhat similar. It is now important, for you both, to be together for some time… to share perceptions and convictions about Me, as your Savior and Guide. It might not happen, for though I have given her the idea I shall not overcome every barrier to this actually happening. If it doesn’t come to pass now, it should, in the fairly near future.

Chris is in a battle with herself, for this, finally, is what cancer is. The cells of your body are part of a whole organism. When some become malignant this is very rarely only a physical reaction. In her case it is a reaction, albeit an unusual one, to several imbalances that have fed on each other in unfortunately malignant ways. Cancer is a physical condition, so physical treatment, like surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, can eliminate the particular cells. But this is not healing.

What she is doing is an attempt to generate real healing, and when this occurs cancer naturally recedes and disappears, for it no longer is “necessary.” The body is very eager to have the cancer conquered from within, but the body cannot function alone… as just the body. The spirit, the mind, and the emotions must be in the positive harmony that healing is, and this usually requires also a positive social climate along with a physical environment that contributes to healing… at least doesn’t block it.

Chris truly wants healing and the positive health that follows. She is doing all she can to keep her thoughts and her attitudes positive. Her emotions… her true feelings… are less controllable. Still she is doing all she can with them. Your culture’s dominant picture of cancer is that of a painful, deteriorative, fatal disease. Many recover, but it also is true that many die from the condition… though most of these are older than she is. Her positive thoughts and feelings are bound to be threatened by this portrayal of “reality.” There is still not sufficient support for and convictions about holistic healing to counter the calls for invasive, medical treatment. It is important that Easy is supportive, and she obviously knows that you are, too.

She needs your support now, the power of your convictions and your knowledge of the ways in which alternative ways to encourage healing function. She needs a strong “dose” of My Teachings to you that deal with positive healing and health. She needs you to read them to her, taping the readings, as she follows along with her copy. So you can begin searching for useful Teachings, commencing with those already typed and duplicated… then on to those that you’ll have to get into this form. Don’t forget the volumes John Patrick has on discs. Be sure you have plenty of tapes… new ones, so the results are as clear and useful as possible.

Healing is not your special ministry, but you talk about it with some regularity. This shall be an opportunity, a special one, to be an active agent in the process. You can learn much from this visit. And remember, the more you put into it, the more you shall benefit. Give of yourself and you shall receive, in kind.

TUES., AUG. 10, 1993, 9:34 AM

The call from Chris a few days ago was a surprise, and a pleasant one. She is one who certainly understands and appreciates Our relationship, because hers, with Me, is somewhat similar. It is now important, for you both, to be together for some time… to share perceptions and convictions about Me, as your Savior and Guide. It might not happen, for though I have given her the idea I shall not overcome every barrier to this actually happening. If it doesn’t come to pass now, it should, in . . .

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