A Walk On A Cold Morning

TUES., NOV. 26, 1996, 9:23 AM

A walk across the campus on the first really cold morning of the season, and here you are, in this familiar place awaiting a teaching from Me, Holy Spirit. Bodily it is not as pleasant a walk as in your younger days, but you still can do it, without much discomfort. When you experience the soreness and twinges in your hips let that lead you to rejoice that you still can walk this far, this fast.

The wood you cut for burning in the fireplace didn’t last through an all-day and partial night burn, so there’s more cutting to do, now that the rain is past. It is a time both of pleasant being-alone and of loneliness. No wife, no dog, no chickens… but the rabbits and the small pasture herd, plus Easter, still appreciate your presence and “gifts” to them on a cold morning. Soon life will “swarm back”, with different experiences.

Your Mother came on over yesterday morning, and she was greeted warmly (no cold mornings here). She needs a revival of spirit, but now that she’s left her frail, stooped body and her occasionally functioning mind she should recover her true spirit soon. We’re outside of time, so there is no referent for “how long” that will take. Hers was a good life until these last years. She served Me well in many ways, and I don’t forget such dedication and action. And, yes, it will be interesting to see if your Dad follows soon, or whether he can enjoy some time of “unresponsibility”. He took care of her with the love they shared in a long life together. With that demanding focus gone, will there be more life, enjoyable, or loneliness and a longing to move on over, also?

Your parents have lived long, with relatively healthy lives. They have not been a burden on the medical system. If all were as they have been, there would not be the crisis in payment for medical care that looms in your culture. But they were not very good “customers”, and the medical care system, as an industry, needs good “customers”. Ah, Me… but I don’t have to “solve that problem”.

Actually, from My perspective it is not a “problem”. Health education and health promotion and enhancement is not expensive, and much that is done in medical care is unnecessary or excessive and may postpone death but does not “conquer” it. Death is a part of life, like the end of one scene in a play, which will be followed by another. It sometimes seems that you all should know this, but the “one life” view is also valuable. In some it does encourage living fully, but it also encourages greed and selfishness, in others.

One advantage of the orthodox Christian expectation… one life, judgment, and then heaven or hell for eternity… is that it does either encourage or scare people into commitment to Me, allegiance to the Church, and living “for heaven”. Some, when they find out “there’s more… even a lot more”, are relieved and pleased, while others feel confused and even “angry”, though you can’t really feel much of that over here.

You feel as though you are in good health, even with “minor imperfections”. You should feel this way, for your spirit gets a boost every time you come for a Teaching or read previous ones. Again, I want you to read, study, and discuss Holy Scripture, but then I’ll admit that, for you, these Teachings are more valuable. It is a continuing miracle that these stories and truths, from thousands of years back, in quite a different culture, still speak forcefully and helpfully to many people today. But you are experiencing the greater miracle – My direct Teachings to you, where you are, at this moment in time… and I’m following you along in life, so that the relevance is always being renewed.

Just as sheep and goats are both valuable in different ways I continue to love all of you humans, and not because of your actions or in spite of them. Mine is an unconditional love, but, within that, there still are consequences for earth behaviors, but also always ways to balance these with positive service, in the earth or in other realms. I exhibit “tough love”, but no one needs to fail and be lost for eternity.

TUES., NOV. 26, 1996, 9:23 AM

A walk across the campus on the first really cold morning of the season, and here you are, in this familiar place awaiting a teaching from Me, Holy Spirit. Bodily it is not as pleasant a walk as in your younger days, but you still can do it, without much discomfort. When you experience the soreness and twinges in your hips let that lead you to rejoice that you still can walk this far, this fast.

The wood you cut for burning in the fireplace didn’t last through an all . . .

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