A Warning…

FRI., DEC. 31, 1993, 6:50 AM

Here it is… the last day of this year, a year that has been a good one for you. Yet you repeatedly see this title, and feel that it relates to the phone conversation two nights ago, concerning a variation of what We are doing now, but with frightening results. From time to time you need a warning, and I have used this as a means to that need.

The context is still that this has been quite a trouble-free year for you. You’ve had some pains and minor disabilities, but mainly your health has been good. Your job has gone well, with the transition into the expanded department. Your classes have been satisfying, and you enjoy relationships with colleagues. Your church life has been both enriching and enjoyable. Relations with Lenore have been mostly fine, with only a few abrasive situations. Finances are certainly adequate for the two of you, and even as you worry some, you have had, this year, enough to provide for the needs of sons who are not as fortunate. There have been no problems, of major proportions, with this old house, Farm, and living conditions. Isn’t this a fair wrap-up for your experiences in 1993?

Why, then, do I offer a warning? Let’s review the context of this earth life. There are innumerable realms of spirit. You gave up the understanding of this when you came into this unique realm… of time, space, and energy concentrated in many forms – humans, mosquitos, ice cream, guns… Need I go on? This is a unique realm because some of the many spirits that have come forth from Me are in human bodies, that are born, who live, and die. You have emotions. You can love, and you can hate. You can feel hopeful… and fearful… even depressed. Your minds can devise “improvements” in the earth, and it is now somewhat different than when I created it.

It also is a special realm in which I have allowed evil to coexist with good. I have not given up control, and I have not lost sovereignty to evil forces. They are all ultimately creations of Mine, and all that happens is what I allow. You see, I have a view of all existence that is so much greater than yours… or of any thinking human… that I see valuable consequences from events and circumstances that seem quite evil. A few very spiritual souls, not all of them Christians, have some understanding of this, but such is not highly regarded in your culture. Remember this rather oft-repeated Teaching: what humans experience as evil and as tragedy is trivial compared with what I prevent. Evil is present, but it is controlled. And death is no ultimate tragedy but is merely a transition on to other spiritual experiences.

Certainly there are many in the earth this day who would scoff at such an affirmation. “How could a good God…” A good God is, in some ways, like unto a super-parent, causing and allowing some things to happen to offspring so that they mature and develop, as spiritual beings, which is their essence. The physical body, including the brain, can be a hindrance to spiritual growth, so My main concern is not physical comfort and protection from bodily harm.

In addition to incarnated spirits, there are angels, spirit guides, and many other helping spirits. And then there are evil spirits, from the merely bothersome to the very destructive. I am as aware of their activities as I am of the whole realm. It is not unlike a large city, in which there are mostly law-abiding folks… and some criminals. There are police, laws, courts, jails… but criminal acts continue. Most people are not affected. A few are, and some of these severely. Crime cannot be eradicated, but it can be controlled.

FRI., DEC. 31, 1993, 6:50 AM

Here it is… the last day of this year, a year that has been a good one for you. Yet you repeatedly see this title, and feel that it relates to the phone conversation two nights ago, concerning a variation of what We are doing now, but with frightening results. From time to time you need a warning, and I have used this as a means to that need.

The context is still that this has been quite a trouble-free year for you. You’ve had some pains and minor . . .

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