A Way Of Knowing

TUES., AUG. 30, 1983, 6:07 AM

The sky brightens, the herald of another summer day. And here you are, o son, utilizing this way of knowing that I have offered and opened to you. Yes, part of your responsibility, as a professional and as a spiritual person, is to guide some toward understanding, even acceptance of this way. Let Me help you with this task in this Teaching.

There are assumptions behind every way of knowing. Scientific inquiry, as a way of knowing, is based on the premise that whatever is being studied is a part of the natural world and its actions and reactions are governed and determined by the laws of this natural world, which can be known. So scientific study uses certain “laws” already discovered and established, and it also may always be in the process of uncovering or creating new ones.

True science has difficulty with, and finally must reject, the premise that there are supernatural forces that also affect life in the earth. These cannot be quantified or measured and cannot seem to be known through scientific inquiry, so it is easiest to simply declare… and then teach… that they do not exist.

You realize, at the same time, that there are some scientists who are Christians and others who accept other spiritual premises and doctrines… who have a relationship with Me in some form or other. In general, their stance is one of affirming that no one experiment or investigation can reveal the whole of reality… that science is a matter of identifying pieces of the whole… and that they will do what they can, within their area of expertise, to advance knowledge. They simply do not deal, professionally, with supernatural realities. They just affirm that what they do, in science, is worthwhile. They just must admit, easily or with great reluctance, that their way of knowing is usually never complete. (Some very specific phenomena can be known this way, but practically nothing relating to humans and communities thereof.)

This way – the way that We are using – can be called revelation or even hearing from authority. The first basic assumption is that there is such a fount of knowledge and such forces (or, in this case, such a Person) that or who can make this knowable. This assumption goes beyond the rational mind, and that valuable part of the human being may well object to any “competition” from sources it cannot know. Some will restrict their assumption to certain “religious knowledge”… God can advise us in some matters, but He pretty much stays out of physical and day-to-day matters in the earth.

Others expand the assumption, often as a result of experiences that suggest strongly the more pervasive influence of Spirit. Finally, there are some, like yourself, who remain professional and continue to respect scientific study, but who accept that this revealed way of knowing is useful in every facet of life. Your mind can be tethered, and you can hear what I teach you. You still must use it, in concert with all that you learn from other sources, but you… and others… have full acceptance of it as a legitimate way of knowing.

TUES., AUG. 30, 1983, 6:07 AM

The sky brightens, the herald of another summer day. And here you are, o son, utilizing this way of knowing that I have offered and opened to you. Yes, part of your responsibility, as a professional and as a spiritual person, is to guide some toward understanding, even acceptance of this way. Let Me help you with this task in this Teaching.

There are assumptions behind every way of knowing. Scientific inquiry, as a way of knowing, is based on the premise that whatever is being studied is a part of . . .

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