A Weekend To Anticipate

FRI., SEPT. 24, 1993, 7:35 PM

This weekend is ahead of you, and it will be an unusual one, with Chris coming down for a visit, the purpose of which is exercising spirit. At this point you have no specific plan for the time. The meals should be unique, with a number of foods you don’t normally eat. Be sure you have her tell you about why each food is important, for this diet is part of a larger spiritual process of healing and of living more consciously.

You see, mostly you and your fellow Americans eat without much appreciation of the food, its preparation, and the experience of eating. This is not some magic cure-all, to be more aware, but it does tend to foster healing and enhance health. It is certainly ironic that you give as much time and attention to the basic hamburger you occasionally get and eat, a food that those concerned about super health reject, with zeal, almost. So savor the preparation and the eating of these various “dishes,” now a vital part of Chris’ life.

First, however, ask for a description, with some detail, of her life, its positive features and the “rough spots.” She may reciprocate, asking you for an honest appraisal of your life at this point. You should respond positively, for you do have an almost ideal holistic path. However you can share some frustrations and struggles, evidence that you are not saddled with perfection.

At some point, which seems right for you both, or all three, of you, ask her to tell you about her cancer, about her concepts and experiences of healing, and plans for the future. This is an important life process she now is going through, one more serious than either of your leg experiences. And yet cancer is a human condition that is susceptible to the powers of the spirit, the emotions, and the mind. Particularly when these oppose the malignancy with combined force it can regress and even disappear.

And then I must also say that it can also be destructive of other cells, organs, parts of the body, and life processes. I didn’t create cancer for any diabolic reason. Rather, it has developed out of the interaction of human bodies with elements of the environment. People are made to love, but some don’t. People are made to be attracted to Me, and acknowledge Me as the most powerful, yet loving, force in the universe, but some don’t. In like fashion, the human body is made to adapt to the various forms of matter which invade, but some are not entirely successful… some don’t.

I work with Chris and with many others whose bodies, and sometimes minds, don’t work perfectly. Still, My actual miracles are few. It is not My normal way, even as I have absolute power over all that appears to be evil. Never forget or deny this. I do allow some consequences for which I am not applauded… may even be rejected.

You shall want to share Teachings with Chris. My suggestion is that you select some, and let her select others. Some of these shall relate to illness, healing, and such relevant themes, but others may focus on other aspects of life… even Scripture. Discuss what you each hear, and what this tells you about My Way, and about the paths that each of you are on. Don’t overdo it, but don’t just read and go on, either. In most cases the stopping place will be clear.

FRI., SEPT. 24, 1993, 7:35 PM

This weekend is ahead of you, and it will be an unusual one, with Chris coming down for a visit, the purpose of which is exercising spirit. At this point you have no specific plan for the time. The meals should be unique, with a number of foods you don’t normally eat. Be sure you have her tell you about why each food is important, for this diet is part of a larger spiritual process of healing and of living more consciously.

You see, mostly you and your fellow Americans . . .

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