A Wondrous Host

WED., SEPT. 7, 1988, 9:25 PM

This title refers, of course, to the host of wonderful spiritual people you are meeting and remeeting on this journey. You are behind in your journal writing, and this is understandable, but you must make notes so that all of these spiritual interactions over the past four days are described. Hear My comments on some of these, o son… not necessarily in order.

Your time with Enide was as fine as you expected it would be. She is a skilled business woman, and yet she identifies herself as a spiritual person. She has her priorities right! She has experienced some difficult times, and she has prevailed. I tested her, and she has done well. It is no accident that you and she have this good relationship. And don’t discard her suggestion of a gathering of some Ruminations readers. It could be another unique opportunity.

You need to communicate more with Lee Littlefield. Your presence was somewhat therapeutic, but it can be even more helpful if you continue to encourage him. He has a unique spirit, rather well tested, and he needs to share his story with you. Seek it.

You missed the chance (and you had two of them) to inquire about Siddy’s spiritual development. She told you of several positive and negative experiences and events, and the opening was there for you to ask how all of this was affecting her spirit. She will be quite willing to talk about this enjoyable development in her life. Se sure you follow up on this and listen to her. I’m surprised that you missed these chances.

Mark is developing slowly but surely. He shall do well in seminary courses, but these are but a means. He shall have to accept My hand and walk closely and constantly with Me if he is to use his knowledge effectively. You share sufficiently with him. He knows you are interested in his life, and he can share stories of his spiritual path with you, to the advantage of both of you.

Your experience with the Orthodox service on Sunday was quite worth remembering. You are not drawn to this style of worship, and your thoughts about it, in relation to Me, were acceptably humorous. Those gathered were a fine segment of My called people, and I both revere and smile at their worship form. Become more knowledgeable about their interpretation of Our faith and speak of them easily. They have a right, approved by Me, to be different from you, and you from them.

Laurette, of course, continues to develop as a woman of spirit. Continue to keep her informed about your progress, and include her if you should finally write of human/spiritual interaction. Interpret her situation in relation to spirit, emphasizing how challenging her place is. Continue to be her mentor, realizing fully that you can learn much from her.

Renu was a surprise… and a reminder of how easy it is to meet and share on the spiritual plane. She was attracted to you through your Ruminations, and you to her because she quickly exuded spirit. You talked with her as you should have with each of the others mentioned. She responded well. This probably shall be the only time you see her, and if it is, it is still a significant meeting. She was a marvelous impetus for you to show forth some of your spiritual learning, and the balance of sharing was quite good.

As you go into this week in Hawaii see many people as part of My wondrous host for you. Some shall be expected. Others shall pop up, just as Renu did. Know that you are to both tell and listen, and the balance shall be different with different people. With some it shall be a mundane as hearing about their work or their families. The spirit urges you always to be interested, for no reason other than the fact that each of you is a child of God.

WED., SEPT. 7, 1988, 9:25 PM

This title refers, of course, to the host of wonderful spiritual people you are meeting and remeeting on this journey. You are behind in your journal writing, and this is understandable, but you must make notes so that all of these spiritual interactions over the past four days are described. Hear My comments on some of these, o son… not necessarily in order.

Your time with Enide was as fine as you expected it would be. She is a skilled business woman, and yet she identifies herself as a . . .

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