A Young Life Taken

TUES., MAY 17, 1988, 6:11 AM

A wonderful letter of sad, sad news was yours to receive yesterday. You shall respond quickly, sending the requests plus some words of your own, as well as Mine. A beautiful young family has been devastated as the young one’s accident was more than his small body could cope with. I was pleased to see the parents accepting the physical loss as a difficult form of spiritual gain. For so it is… and shall be.

The spirit that was in young Nick was welcomed back, but it was not a predestined event. Each spirit, but particularly those with some maturity, knows that there are no guarantees for any earth life. His chances for a long, good life of spiritual growth were excellent… but there was an accident. Could I have intervened? You know I could have, but it is rare that I do. The earth is a marvelous interactive system, and from My perspective I see that intervening rarely produces a total result that is better than the “natural” interplay of earth forces. (Let this admission not deter you from thanking Me for circumstances that developed as you thought best… and with My help. Again I say, offer thanks often, even if I am technically “undeserving” of such.)

The story that this letter tells reminds you of the fall that young Ricky had when he was just older than Nick. His skull was fractured, and you feared for the health of that young brain. There was recovery and then years of anguish for you and Lenore as he lived a life of subjection to many dangers. He survived to use his brain well, and you admired his young reproduction yesterday… yet another child with much potential for service here in the earth. Two accidents. One did not survive. One did. And yet each spirit continues to grow and develop, even from such circumstances.

Remember again the truth I shared… that in realms of spirit there is no entropy and no fixed amount of spiritual power. I am an unlimited source of spiritual energy, and I offer it rather freely. There need be no waste, for each and every life situation has the potential for promoting spiritual growth. The spirit that was in young Nick had a marvelous life experience; it just was short. The parents, Jean and Scott, in the midst of their grief and loss, have accepted the potential for growth that this brings. They are not better than if the accident had not occurred or if he had recovered, but they are different… and they are seeking the benefits that such a tragedy offers. In My realms there need be no loss or waste.

How perceptive they were to notice and understand the eagle symbols. Yes, this was evidence of Nick’s well developed spirit. He was able and willing to send those signs (and, yes, this was purposeful manipulation of nature for excellent reasons and results), and they were developed enough to appreciate them. What a beautiful memory, as a capstone to the other memories they have of this small son. And as they tell this story, others may become more perceptive of the many ways messages of the spirit are sent and received.

Yesterday you had the mixed blessing of reading of this loss of a young life and of hearing of a life lived too long. It seems unfair on both accounts, and yet each calls on you for a response, and you can grow as you try to respond to these disparate calls. You may share them with your class, and others, even unknown, may benefit as spiritual stories are told. You needn’t be spectacularly successful in being helpful. Just take the opportunities offered.

TUES., MAY 17, 1988, 6:11 AM

A wonderful letter of sad, sad news was yours to receive yesterday. You shall respond quickly, sending the requests plus some words of your own, as well as Mine. A beautiful young family has been devastated as the young one’s accident was more than his small body could cope with. I was pleased to see the parents accepting the physical loss as a difficult form of spiritual gain. For so it is… and shall be.

The spirit that was in young Nick was welcomed back, but it was not a . . .

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