
WED., JAN. 23, 1985, 5:47 AM

The Bible, My Holy Scriptures, does not speak to this term and this act directly. There are many references to the value of human life, certainly, but also many instances when human lives were taken, for reasons that do not always seem noble. This is an issue of the modern world, and therefore you should know what I choose to say to you about it this day. And remember… in many matters, great and small, I speak differently to different servants, to maintain the best rhythm and balance in the earth.

Abortion is not a desirable act. It destroys a growing fetus and therefore prevents a soul from having a particular earth life. But other than this it does not affect the ultimate life of that soul. It simply must continue in another form, which may be a very desirable state of growth, actually. Some may actually be “relieved” that they do not have to live a life in the earth that commences with being “unwanted”. So one important issue that I share with you is that ultimate life is not affected by abortion. It is like unto a situation in which a person plans to move to a new job, a new community, a new life situation. For some reason, not of the individual’s choosing, the plan is “aborted”, and the job is not available and the move not possible. There may be disappointment, but life goes on, and there may be subsequent value in the continuing situation.

Another relevant issue that I have shared with you, but not with all (and that was not a crucial factor in Biblical times) is the size of the population of people in the earth and how this affects the functioning of this planet, that I also love. Yes, it is true, and I am aware that a child that is born and grows to maturity in your culture indirectly causes more environmental damage than a child born in “olden times.” As I see what is happening to the planet earth I often am saddened. I see it as an interplay among a large population, an earth that is limited in capacity and that needs “caring for”, and a greedy, selfish lifestyle, of which you are a part. Seeing this, I cannot sentimentally value human life above all else.

Another interesting point: not all humans should be parents… and some who finally shall be adequate in this life task should not start before their readiness has developed. A human life needs love and nurture from the very beginning of life, even in the womb and when that cannot be given it can be worse than no life at all. Some who abort are selfish and self-centered… true. And most of them are not ready to be a parent in the sense that I desire. Many of these do come to a more desirable maturity (even helped by the abortion experience) and then become creditable, loving parents. An analogy that is not perfect but still worth offering: I started with you in this spiritual path in 1964, but you were not ready for what I planned for you. The close relationship was aborted. Then it was reestablished in 1979, fifteen years later, and it is a much better and productive one than it would have been earlier. You are now “ready” for this responsibility. So it can be with becoming a parent.

WED., JAN. 23, 1985, 5:47 AM

The Bible, My Holy Scriptures, does not speak to this term and this act directly. There are many references to the value of human life, certainly, but also many instances when human lives were taken, for reasons that do not always seem noble. This is an issue of the modern world, and therefore you should know what I choose to say to you about it this day. And remember… in many matters, great and small, I speak differently to different servants, to maintain the best rhythm and balance in the earth . . .

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