Accent The Positive, Yet Again

FRI., JAN. 19, 1990, 6:55 AM

You are fully aware that I continually am urging on you a positive view of life. I want you to be positive as a professional, positive as a Christian, and positive in as many of the experiences of life as possible. Even though I tell you this is the best way for you to be it is not what I urge on all persons. This is hard for you to understand, but, yes, you have written it as I have said it.

I want you to be an advocate of positive health. As humans function well and adapt well, they are healthy. Even healthy persons have weaknesses and departures from perfect health, but they rebound and regain functioning power again. From time to time you shall have a cold or some other minor departure from good health. One having positive health accepts the discomfort and loss of functioning as just a reestablishment of balance. The proper stance is, as you usually do, to take no medications and to experience the condition as fully as possible, enjoying it as best you can. For, after all, you should understand that much of the discomfort comes from your body’s attempts to bring itself back to balance. Pain is part of the body’s positive protection of itself. Some discomfort comes because of the activity of other forms of life… microscopic… within your body. Mostly these are benign or beneficial. Only occasionally do they become truly harmful. This is the positive view.

Looking at health internationally and globally, you should see the conditions as fundamentally healthy. The human population continues to increase. For many people life is longer, and they function rather well. As I have repeatedly told you, death is a part of positive health for the earth. Individual humans (as with all forms of life) must die so that others may also have life, and abundantly. Death can be seen as negative, but I urge you to see it as fundamentally positive. Death rates in the earth just have to go up, eventually, for health to continue.

Plants and animals must die so that humans can eat and, consequently, function well. Humans also must die so that others may live, in the best balance of population, human. Humans, by their healthy activity and their healthy motivations to live better, are damaging portions of the earth. The earth, as a living entity, will “fight back” in a healthy fashion. Damaged land will not support human life well, and so it will be left to recover. And, in geologic time (unacceptable to Western folk) it will recover. Diseases are a part of the healthy balance of humans and a finite earth. Suffering by some is opportunity for others to show compassion and to give care.

In the religious realm the most positive position stems from this previous thought. My death on the cross, as Jesus, was the payment for your sins. Yes, yours. This happened, historically, nearly 2,000 years ago, but spiritually and mystically, it happens again, in reinforcement, with each occasion of Holy Communion. Your sins are forgiven and forgotten. You are fresh and new. And knowing that this is your condition of life and that this is an eternal and everlasting cleansing you have little concern for sin or sins. You have accepted My hand, and I do not take it away with each and every sin. With this knowledge you are free to lead as positive a life as possible. Praise the Lord!

The present drug scene is an interesting one to Me. Here again, see it as positively as possible. It is best to function without the effects of drugs, which I recommended, you recall, for times of sickness. But if a person can function better with the aid of some drug, legal or illegal, then… so be it. The distinction between legal and illegal drugs is strictly a human and cultural distinction, and not Mine. There is much evil and waste associated with attempts to stop drug use. Yet I urge you to see the attempts at control as a healthy response… but also much of the drug use also. (And each can be seen as unhealthy.)

FRI., JAN. 19, 1990, 6:55 AM

You are fully aware that I continually am urging on you a positive view of life. I want you to be positive as a professional, positive as a Christian, and positive in as many of the experiences of life as possible. Even though I tell you this is the best way for you to be it is not what I urge on all persons. This is hard for you to understand, but, yes, you have written it as I have said it.

I want you to be an advocate of positive . . .

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