
TUES., JULY 4, 1989, 5:47 AM

Acceptance is a rather “hard” concept for you and for many in your culture. Acceptance? Of what? Of the fact that I, the Triune God, am in charge of this earth, and that, in a real sense, the days of your life are numbered. This is going to take some explaining, now isn’t it?!

I have told you many times and in many ways that I “set up” this earth so that it functions naturally. There is oxygen to breathe, with a system to allow plants to take in the waste of humans and animals and keep producing more oxygen. All life forms are potential food supplies for other life forms, so life provides food, and food insures life. There is a water cycle, so water, a life necessity, is continually being recycled so that life can continue. So much for the basic science lesson.

I have given humans several capacities to change and modify what I have created. Food can be raised, so that it is in greater supply than it would be “in nature’s way”. Shelters can be built and heat produced and controlled so that life can be lived pleasantly in the cooler portions of the earth. And the science and practice of medicine has developed, so that disease conditions can be combatted and earth life, for certain persons, can be longer. I allow much that has been developed in medicine and in public health, and yet I still want acceptance of Me as determiner of life and its length.

This is difficult, for it now seems clear to you and to your culture folk that there are many ways to extend life… or to postpone death. Death is seen as some kind of enemy, and individual life is overvalued. When it is “time” for a death, that should be accepted, for it is just a movement of spirit into another realm or form. The prolongation of some lives is to the advantage of humankind, but this good is just about balanced by the prolongation which is of no value or that is actually harmful.

I can see relationships that humans, even those of highest intelligence with the best in scientific, electronic machinery, cannot. I am allowing the consequences of apparently good and useful human modification of My earth to accumulate. “There is no such thing as a free lunch” is not Holy Scripture, but it could be. For it should be seen as a variation of “For everything there is a season.”

“A time to be born and a time to die.” When will it be your time to die? Will you accept this or will you just assume you should live longer. I want your anticipation of the next phase of eternal life to be increasing, while compulsion to hold on to this small “incident,” that is Bob Russell, a husband-father-Christian-professor in Southern Illinois, U.S.A. in the 20th century, abates. Live life fully, but tread lightly upon the earth, ever more lightly each year.

Do what you have opportunity to do with zeal and with focused energy, but offer the consequences to Me. Accept that I offer you opportunities beyond your capacities to succeed as you would like. Accept that your life is of much consequence and of no consequence. You are both saint and sinner. You are a natural creature with a supernatural calling. Your life may be long or it could be over, here in the earth, at any moment. Your death could be long and painful or rather sudden… or just right for contemplation and preparation. Accept what comes. You have no cause to cry out against any misfortune, for your fortunes have been so numerous and so dominant.

TUES., JULY 4, 1989, 5:47 AM

Acceptance is a rather “hard” concept for you and for many in your culture. Acceptance? Of what? Of the fact that I, the Triune God, am in charge of this earth, and that, in a real sense, the days of your life are numbered. This is going to take some explaining, now isn’t it?!

I have told you many times and in many ways that I “set up” this earth so that it functions naturally. There is oxygen to breathe, with a system to allow plants to take in the . . .

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