Acceptance Of Adversity

WED., AUG. 28, 1991, 6:32 AM

Adversity is a part of earth life. As the James passage that you were not able to discuss yesterday says, adversity develops perseverance, and this also turns you to Me for help. And I do help. The spirit can develop greatly under adversity. Yet you seldom appreciate this at the moment, even after all of My Teachings to this effect.

You realized, as you were getting your cattle back into the pasture and fixing the fence that you would be late for or would miss the James study, session 1. Yet you were not sufficiently aware that you were experiencing a form of the adversity that was the basis of the lesson. I was giving you direct experience, and you were thinking about missing the words. Sad! And so I remind you again.

I’ll also remind you that you may triumph over an adversity (your cattle went back in rather easily), you may have some or limited success in restoring yourself or the situation… or you may have to live with the consequences of your adversity. Obviously this applies to the condition of your leg, back, and foot. I commend you for the acceptance of this disability, for this attempt to have your body heal itself, for a few prayers, and for a very positive spirit in the face of this dysfunction. I have spared you the pain that you once felt, and you are not properly appreciative of this… mainly because you have had little pain in your life, and so lack of pain just seems to be your “deserved normal.”

You have not sought treatment for this form of physical diversity. I still recommend that you have Mary lay her hands on you, but I have only suggested this, and you have gone to no other treatment form. Now Lenore and Jan are arranging for you to be treated, and you should not refuse. When others volunteer to help you you should accept their help. Still… accept and appreciate the adversity and do not long too fervently for a return to full functioning… for your spirit’s sake.

Even if you are healed and function returns, you are to remember and appreciate the adversity. You need not revel in it, but you need to accept that you are one who has some adversity. Despite your relatively ideal life you do face some adversities… in order that your spirit might grow in this unique way.

My servant Paul, he who really established Christianity as a viable religion, and who was a good and dedicated servant, had a disability. He prayed fervently for Me to remove it and set him free from this “stain”, but I would not. It was important that he be not perfect, and thus it was. You have had your share of successes. Now you must experience something less.

( 7:09 AM / 9:12 PM )

This was not a day of adversity, but it seemed as though you were rushed more than you wanted to be. The treatment you experienced was certainly unique, and theoretically it should work, so you felt some mild disappointment when there seemed to be no change. The people there seemed pleased to help you, so go for as many treatments as they suggest. Tomorrow you visit My servant Don… yes, a strange servant. You don’t anticipate that his antics will remove the numbness and return your muscle function, but because it was arranged for you, proceed to go for the treatment. Keep a smiling, positive attitude. That does favor the healing process.

WED., AUG. 28, 1991, 6:32 AM

Adversity is a part of earth life. As the James passage that you were not able to discuss yesterday says, adversity develops perseverance, and this also turns you to Me for help. And I do help. The spirit can develop greatly under adversity. Yet you seldom appreciate this at the moment, even after all of My Teachings to this effect.

You realized, as you were getting your cattle back into the pasture and fixing the fence that you would be late for or would miss the James study, session 1. Yet . . .

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