
SAT., APR. 5, 1986, 5:44 AM

You are part of a culture, in the earth, that values accomplishment. You enjoy accomplishment… even threaten your well-being, at times, by your efforts toward accomplishing more than is reasonable. In your presentation this week you said that accomplishment was one definition of health. What do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about accomplishment? Is this a requirement for Me?

The answer, of course, is both yes and no. I am a part of much accomplishment… I initiate projects, I urge tasks upon you and others, I set deadlines… I clearly am a factor in much human accomplishment. I work with individuals and groups in the earth. This is one of My main “reasons for being.”

Equally true, I am beyond accomplishment. I am love, I am grace, I am acceptance. Accomplishments, no matter how magnificent, are of little consequence to Me if spirit is not exercised, displayed, developed. Therefore I abet spirit, and this is not accomplishment. This is fundamental being. I am. As you are, accomplishing or not, your spirit can entwine with Me… and can become a greater aspect of you.

Now certainly this growth gives a boost to your desires and capacities to accomplish. It allows more awareness and appreciation of both the process and the result of anything that could be called accomplishment. Accomplishment becomes more satisfying and less pressured. In fact, in potential, each task to be accomplished a timeless spiritual experience can become. (Pay better attention.)

Now you are feeling both the constraints of time and the pressures of multiple “responsibilities.” You have accomplished much this week, and mostly this… each… has been done with good spirit. I urge you to keep this perspective as you attack the tasks that remain before you head off to convention. Whatever you do, do with joy, with awareness and with fuller appreciation. Naturally your resolve is great as you write these words and feel this challenge. Your actual performance as the day goes on will be less dedicated… yet each time that I teach you this lesson, in various forms, you come closer to what I would have you do and be.

But what about the balance? Is accomplishment everything? Most accomplishments, by most humans, are of little eternal consequence. The Preacher said “all is vanity and a seeking after wind.” You must also value just being, just remembering, just daydreaming and fantasizing, just feeling… These are not wasted moments, but are the proper, needed balance to drives for accomplishment. You need to feel this and let the knowledge overcome the compulsions of the mind.

The Scriptures suggest, and I have told you, that I have purposes… and means to accomplish these purposes. I need servants… and friends… to achieve these purposes. It can be interpreted that I truly want this to be a “better earth” – peaceful and awash with loving accomplishment. It can be interpreted that I must work feverishly to counter the malicious works of Satan who somehow has taken the initiative in this earth from Me. It also can be interpreted (and this perception I urge on you) that the only ultimate purpose of human activity is development of spirit, and I can use any circumstance imaginable for this. Therefore My purposes can be accomplished, because of, in spite of, or even apart from actual accomplishing circumstances.

SAT., APR. 5, 1986, 5:44 AM

You are part of a culture, in the earth, that values accomplishment. You enjoy accomplishment… even threaten your well-being, at times, by your efforts toward accomplishing more than is reasonable. In your presentation this week you said that accomplishment was one definition of health. What do I, the Holy Spirit, have to say about accomplishment? Is this a requirement for Me?

The answer, of course, is both yes and no. I am a part of much accomplishment… I initiate projects, I urge tasks upon you and others, I set deadlines . . .

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