
FRI., MAR. 7, 1997, 11:11 AM

Sitting here watching thin clouds in various forms float by you hear and see the word ACCOMPLISHMENT. You then wonder how important accomplishment is… and you wonder how much I, the Holy Spirit, value it. You won’t be surprised if I tell you, now will you?

As you know, human cultures differ in how much they stress and reward accomplishment. You should be aware that your being born into this culture, a part of it that did encourage accomplishment, was not just a chance happening. You had some choice in the selection, and you have accomplished about as much as you expected to. You were a good competitor, and you accomplished sufficiently, certainly, to have this valuable position for nearly 30 years now. Your desire for accomplishment has waned considerably, but you still enjoy the fruits of a career with considerable accomplishment.

You see that trophy partially outlined again the blue sky, and that tells you that you had some accomplishments in athletics… which then pushed you on to a coaching career. It wasn’t your life career, but it included several accomplishments, including that one football championship, added to the 3 in track. You were a Dean, and that was an accomplishment, though one that was even briefer than the coaching one.

Three degrees, including the doctoral from an A-1 university, were accomplishments that you didn’t anticipate early in your life, but were earned in what now seems an easy manner. You are not a supreme scholar, but you have become well-known in your field… and you should be pleased with this.

It is not now time to accomplish to a greater extent. Some people, even some devoted Christians, push themselves to more accomplishments in later life, as if this is the main “thing” I want from each of you. I do appreciate some evangelistic accomplishments, for My sake, but the purpose of earth life is not just to “pile up points”. I am more aware and appreciative of motivations than of actual accomplishments. I can use what you do, for Me, but I am not dependent upon human actions. I do not approve of the observation that “God can only work through human actions”. I often am appreciative of what you do and why you want to serve Me in certain ways. Yet I am never bound by or limited to what humans do. I have infinite power, but I use it quite sparingly.

Could I accomplish what seems to be My major goal: having every last human be a disciple of Christ and an integral part of a single human-spiritual Christian community… one of love, trust, and obedience? Of course I could, but I’m aware of what I would “lose” in the process, and, thus far, I’m not willing to use this power.

I hope you will continue with some accomplishments, but I also want the balance to change so that any obvious ones are less prominent in your life. I want you to live with a lot of joy, with awareness and appreciation of how joy can be a part of many life situations. At this point in your life if what you do isn’t basically fun shift to something that is. Truly believe that if you are happy and positive in your spirit your body will produce the molecules that shall make for continued health… and the control of disease.

A wasp stung your toe this morning, but you didn’t respond by killing it. Your earth world doesn’t need more wasps, but it does need more forgiveness and non-violent responses. You were sorry to see your chickens killed, and you responded by killing other “critters”, but only in anger when Attila finally was slain. Let your spirit prevail in such situations.

FRI., MAR. 7, 1997, 11:11 AM

Sitting here watching thin clouds in various forms float by you hear and see the word ACCOMPLISHMENT. You then wonder how important accomplishment is… and you wonder how much I, the Holy Spirit, value it. You won’t be surprised if I tell you, now will you?

As you know, human cultures differ in how much they stress and reward accomplishment. You should be aware that your being born into this culture, a part of it that did encourage accomplishment, was not just a chance happening. You had some choice in . . .

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