
MAY 25, 1981, 11:50 AM

It is interesting to Me, o son, that you decided to postpone the teaching this morning until this mid-day time and do it out here, whence it began. You shall soon be returning to life here, but briefly, before your journey westward. You have accomplished considerable during your time in town, so let Us speak of accomplishments actual and those still in the potential.

You just have completed the first draft of your Ruminations, the first one based on these meditative writings We do together (but not the last). This is a positive accomplishment… one I have been anticipating. Don’t expect great response, but be open to the surprises that shall be sent your way. You have put this off for such a long time, but it was not a difficult task. Be certain that it does not bog down now. It should be mailed out before you leave.

Next comes your sabbatical report. That is an accomplishment yet to be. It, like the one just completed, shall not be difficult. You shall be amazed at the ease with which you accomplish it. Then you must start on the Spiritual Dimensions paper itself. That shall not be finished for some time, but there needs to be reference to it in the revision of the book you shall do. Set a goal, after the introduction, of developing 2-3 stories a week. Let them accumulate in this slow, repetitive way. Then you can accomplish the publication.

You can almost call your healing accomplished. You realized that as you put this letter of comment together. You can still do the exercises and can work on improving your walk, but this incident is over. Another could follow, so be cautious. But not too cautious. Your growth during this time of healing has been quite acceptable. Be not over-proud, but neither be unaware of what you have accomplished. Times of suffering are important. I repeat: do not seek suffering, but be quite open to all of the values that may accrue from such.

MAY 25, 1981, 11:50 AM

It is interesting to Me, o son, that you decided to postpone the teaching this morning until this mid-day time and do it out here, whence it began. You shall soon be returning to life here, but briefly, before your journey westward. You have accomplished considerable during your time in town, so let Us speak of accomplishments actual and those still in the potential.

You just have completed the first draft of your Ruminations, the first one based on these meditative writings We do together (but not the last). This is . . .

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