Achieving A Balance… “Da Best”

SAT., FEB. 26, 2000, 7:09 AM

It is a warm, but grey, day, after some rain in the night, a kind of balance to the beautiful, sunny day that was yesterday. There is much that you can do today, but nothing that is really pressing. Coming here, to this familiar study, to re-read My Teachings to you of this week and then hear Me, “officially,” a fourth time is “good balance,” from My biased perspective.

Remember the term “rhythm” that I offered you way back in the first years of Our friendship. Rhythm and Balance should be “partners” in this life as it is now yours to lead. Balance can’t be sustained. Events, experiences, and even thoughts disturb even what seems like a perfect balance. Then re-balancing is necessary, but as I see this (and you should, too) it should be a kind of rhythm.

You don’t know much about engines, but you realize that a well-functioning automobile engine gives off a rhythmic, “purring” sound. Yet this comes from pistons going up and down, rhythmically responding to bursts of heat from ignited gasoline. When the rhythm is disturbed, the sound, and the functioning, is different. It would seem ideal for your spirit to be up! up! all of the time, but times of sadness and discomfort are part of a good earth life. One essence of spiritual maturity is the appreciation of the “down times,” somewhat like unto the piston going down, in order to come up again, with force.

But now I tell you that this analogy “breaks down” when carried too far, because the best rhythm for you is an “irregular” one, with much more joy, expectation, and satisfaction than sadness and discontent and frustration. This makes you wonder if this is just a condition of earth life or whether it is also an ideal of spirit realms. You “learned” as a young Sunday School student that when your body died your spirit would go to heaven, where there would be no sadness, no discontent, no frustrations. Is this completely true, or is there still some rhythm to life in the spirit? I needn’t tell you, for when you come on over, yet again, it will be quite clear to you, how the spirit realms are.

My advice is this: you are now still a human, one with a fairly well-developed spirit (increased by association with Me), so live the life you have left with purpose, joy, and zest, not being over-focused on what is “to come.” The balance of your life should and will shift toward the spiritual, but you still are living in a body, in a marriage, in a family, in a culture, in an earth environment… with human thoughts and feelings. Continue to hear Me, of course, and to record these Teachings. Re-read them. Share them with a few others. Re-read other good sources, including My official Scriptures. Take time to contemplate what has been, what “wasn’t,” and what now is.

But also… keep your relationship with Lenore good, strong, and loving. Continue contact with your sons and their families… as well as the “larger family.” Plant some garden. Visit the University, as long as this is “appropriate.” Continue active in your Bible study group. Clean up this study, at least occasionally.

As I’ve told you before (in somewhat contrast to this title) seek a good, sustainable balance at a time, but realize that the rhythm of life will soon require rebalancing. And the “new balance” may be somewhat different than the “old,” however good that was.

As you “envision” this year you know you will have to make some decisions (some difficult) about… “to travel and visit OR to stay here, in a more familiar rhythm.” There shall be decisions that are, either way, BOTH ( 8:02 / 8:04 ) pleasant and unpleasant, appreciated and opposed. I’ll help when I can, but these are still yours to make and “live with.”

SAT., FEB. 26, 2000, 7:09 AM

It is a warm, but grey, day, after some rain in the night, a kind of balance to the beautiful, sunny day that was yesterday. There is much that you can do today, but nothing that is really pressing. Coming here, to this familiar study, to re-read My Teachings to you of this week and then hear Me, “officially,” a fourth time is “good balance,” from My biased perspective.

Remember the term “rhythm” that I offered you way back in the first years of Our friendship. Rhythm and Balance should . . .

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