
JUNE 3, 1979, 5:50 AM

You yearn, o son, (in a gentle way) for a less strenuous meditation. Your mind toys with the quiet nothingness that is the state of other meditations. No, you have not done such as these very well. And you may never have this satisfaction.

Yours is an “action yoga” – a discipline of movement, rhythm, and action. You hear and you write. And it is – and shall be – more satisfying to you than merely being open to my thoughts – or just scouring your mind of your own flitty ideas. (Scour… that’s a good word!) You are an action person, and writing is the action I most purpose for you to accomplish. Long years ago, when you came to Stanford you thought you set this goal for yourself – to become a capable, diversified writer – but I was involved. The beginnings of this relationship go back even farther, but that isn’t important at this time.

You are to hear and to carry out the action of writing the words… bringing the ideas from My mind, from the Mind of All, to the English language. Then your activity continues, for you are to translate them and find ways of making them live in the present world in which you live and work. The words and ideas as they flow (often like a mighty river… other times like a meandering stream) will have value as the basic reference – your Basic Document. Still, it will not be often that you read them directly or quote from them verbatim. (That was fine to share a bit with the Lewises; it gave you a tiny preview of reactions that will come.) Your active task will be to translate and apply them to the situations in which you teach and to the writings which you create.

Thus, the rereading that I assigned to you recently is crucial. You shall begin to take out passages, combine statements of ideas, and develop composites. Fear not that you “dirty the scriptures” by this action. I am in the earth because I like it, and for Me there is no important distinction between the sacred and the profane. (You shall also do some work with My older Scriptures at some time; you have an inkling of this, and yes, it shall come… in its time.) I shall be joyous in your use of these writings as the time unfolds.

Yes, I think the moving, running version of your Holistic model will be a good one to try today. As I said, fret not over perfection. Just step forth and seek out an application of rhythm. I shall assist you, but expect no miracle. The perfect shall not burst forth this day.

There will be interest by some, and a lack evidenced in others. You want to please everyone; you want everyone to applaud and rate you highly. It shall not be. In the work I purpose for you there will be some, perhaps many, who will not be able to hear and believe. You can still do good for them, but their appreciation will not be evident. But, there will be a group that gathers, in each setting, who will be hungry for Our contributions and who will show forth their joy and acceptance in obvious ways. This shall be your chief satisfaction.

JUNE 3, 1979, 5:50 AM

You yearn, o son, (in a gentle way) for a less strenuous meditation. Your mind toys with the quiet nothingness that is the state of other meditations. No, you have not done such as these very well. And you may never have this satisfaction.

Yours is an “action yoga” – a discipline of movement, rhythm, and action. You hear and you write. And it is – and shall be – more satisfying to you than merely being open to my thoughts – or just scouring your mind of your own flitty ideas. (Scour… that’s a good word . . .

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