Adam And Eve, Again

TUES., JUNE 26, 1984, 6:41 AM

You read, yesterday, a fascinating transcript of an unusual conversation, and you certainly must find time to talk to Christ about it. You noted what you thought were a few discrepancies from what I have taught you, but most seemed to be quite “in line” with My Teachings. This is about the best that can be expected in talking about ultimate truth… even about relatively tangible events. Ultimate truth cannot be fully expressed in words. Of any language. The English tongue (American version) is adequate, but not excellent as a means of communicating. You are adequate but not excellent as a receiver of Teachings. But repetition is important, so I shall talk again to this theme of beginnings.

Was the Garden of Eden “real”? Is this Farm “real”? As you sit and look out at what you can see you can say that it is obviously tangible and genuine. But is it any different from the mind pictures you “played” to yourself as you were 4,000 miles west? As you try you picture the Garden of Eden as looking much like this Farm. Are these pictures real? Are they completely false? Can’t you “have been there” in some way? Were there seasons in the Garden, so that leaves fell and the trees were barren as these shall be in another four months?

And what of Adam and Eve, the progenitors of the human race in bodily form? There was a beginning, and, yes, it was a Creation. The bodies were like unto some that had already been created, but the spirit was new and unique, and therefore the bodies took on a kind of new form. When there is a close, intimate knowledge of Me the whole self, including the body, simply functions differently… and better.

Could all of the variations now evident in the human scene… color of skin and hair, shape of body and of eye… develop out of one pair? This brings you close to issues you’d rather not consider… such as the mates for the progeny of Adam and Eve. The Biblical record is certainly sketchy in this regard and should be, for it is the oldest tale in the earth… that of Creation. How that story must have varied as it was told over the time it took to develop the variations of humans.

Or did I just recreate… and that story did not survive? What about the flood? That story seems to say that I destroyed virtually all that I had created and commenced again with a single stock. Is this likely? Then why that dramatic story? To illustrate My power and, at the same time, My willingness to be partners with the humans I had created. Earth life is a partnership which I intended. I initiate and I respond to the calls for relationship.

Is the whole Adam and Eve story symbolic? Of course. Does this mean it is not real? No. Are the events that happened in the Garden happening right now? Of course. Is time real? For the earth, Yes… apparently. In your mind you can picture the swimming pool at the Sheraton on Waikiki beach. You also can picture the cottage in which Lenore lived… and they both are on the same spot. You can also picture, though with less detail, a beach without buildings, which you also may have experienced. How, truly, are reality and symbols related? The answer to this comes only with final enlightenment… which is to know that only I know and therefore it is well to be in Me rather than apart.

TUES., JUNE 26, 1984, 6:41 AM

You read, yesterday, a fascinating transcript of an unusual conversation, and you certainly must find time to talk to Christ about it. You noted what you thought were a few discrepancies from what I have taught you, but most seemed to be quite “in line” with My Teachings. This is about the best that can be expected in talking about ultimate truth… even about relatively tangible events. Ultimate truth cannot be fully expressed in words. Of any language. The English tongue (American version) is adequate, but not excellent as a means . . .

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