
FEB. 6, 1981, 6:03 AM

You use this term, Adaptation, o son, to describe one important aspect of health. Rightly so. Life requires constant adaptation, and the positive quality of all the adaptations required is a measure of the abstraction called health. Let Us talk of some of these this Friday morning.

The most obvious adaptations are having to be made by son John Patrick. The surgeon’s skill had to be applied, his troublesome organ is gone, but adaptations abound. There are readjustments of the body as several types of tissue must heal and return to function again. He is a healthy young man, but some of these adaptations are painful and somewhat slow. He shall make them, however: a return to physical health is certain.

His mental/emotional adaptations are more complex. He has seen himself as a person of supreme health. Now, clearly, this supremity has abated. He is a patient in a hospital, being doctored and nursed as if his own recovery powers are not sufficient. As you know, this is a vital adaptation. To what extent do you resist this perception, accepting it only in a very temporary sense, and to what extent do you accept it fully as the reality of the time. In other words, do you live fully in the moment, whatever that is, or to some extent in the future, resisting the present. And to what extent? This is an adaptation vital to overall health.

Spiritual adaptations are those I am most interested in, for they do have a unifying function in the return of health to the holy person. You and he spoke briefly of this realm last evening but did not identify it as such. Part of spirit is that which gives purpose and direction to life. An injury such as this can certainly affect current direction, which, then, affects the spirit. Conversely, the health of spirit can bring effective adaptations, with new or renewed purposes, from which come actual directions. John Patrick accepts the truth of My Spirit within him, entwined with his own, so that what he and I do together is, as he sees it, a motive and action of his. A complementary aspect of Me which he does not acknowledge so readily is Me as wholly other. I can initiate actions that are not of the self, and to which the spirit must adapt. This occurrence has elements of each. The important element is an acknowledgment of Me as a causative factor… and as a help in the adaptations necessary.

Your adaptations for a good part of yesterday were of diminished quality. For one who has a good understanding of the relationship of self and Me you did excessive floundering. You almost lost the critical perception that all that happens to you is of Me, directly or indirectly, and that all incidents are opportunities for spiritual growth… or of atrophy.

Finances are a life factor requiring constant adaptation. I shall affirm again that this is one of the tests important to you in this life. Can you grow in spirit in the midst of financial conditions that trouble your mind? Will they also affect your spirit? Your faith and trust in Me wanes, despite the facts that trumpet that I have not yet failed you. Still, you must do some things. You must do some arranging or you will have a personal bill of some proportions. Start that today.

Your spirit in relation to your own injury is good, but increasingly troubled. You have trust in Me, and you have accepted My statement that this, o son, shall not heal rapidly. Yet you do not want to accept passively something that could be changed for the better. Go ahead and take the actions you contemplate, but hold to your faith that what happens to you is of My Will.

I have told you that John Patrick is the son of most spiritual advancement, yet he resists acknowledging Me in direct ways. It shall be better for him when he comes to do this. It shall free him from the shackles of too much self-focus. And this could bring easier, more productive relationships with those around, including Maggie. It is an adaptation that he has not made well… could make better.

See Me in those most fretful of moments and rejoice that you are here, to both teach and learn.

Hallelujah for life and for adaptations
7:03 AM