Addictions… Yet Again

FRI., MAR. 24, 2000, 6:55 AM

I come to speak to you on this Spring morning, a reprise on an aspect of earth life that is often seen as BAD… an either/or. Yet you know that I see it as more of a both/and, sometimes marvelous… good… harmful… awful. Addiction is the desire, a “whole person” desire for some experience, and is a negation of “free choice”. And, in your culture, there is much value on rationality and rather freely choosing to do or not do… to act or to resist acting in some particular way.

In the California “branch” of your immediate family there is concern that granddaughter Megan has become addicted to speed, and she is now in a helping facility, which will, hopefully, break this dependence and strengthen her to resist the future temptations to “feel good” in this way again. There is some physical and emotional desire to have this “good feeling” and some social support for this “cool” behavior. Megan’s spirit is pulled both ways. Her convictions as an Orthodox Christian pull her away from this drug use, but her desire to be “her own person” also is an aspect of spirit. The spirit of her counselor is one important factor in helping Megan away from these drug experiences.

An interestingly comparable addiction is this one that I’ve encouraged and that you are succumbing to at this time. Having these Teachings is a positive pleasure, but why can’t you freely decide whether or not you shall come to this pen and pad of paper? (Why couldn’t you write this, if this is your choice, on yellow paper with a pencil?) When you come and start writing is this commanding Me to be here and guide you? Or am I the One Who controls you, influencing your spirit to come, hear, and write? Are you truly free to continue this “practice” or is your “participation” beyond your control? Could you “walk away” from this addiction, or would you need some “help” in staying away from this “time-consuming” activity?

You see, Megan’s addiction is deemed harmful, and she must be helped back to a state in which she can freely choose… not to use. Yours is not an exact opposite, for it is not a practice with high approval by your culture, even from Christians. It can’t be called harmful, except in its demand for your time AND that this is some freaky perception that you’re actually hearing from THE Holy Spirit, and if these “Teachings” don’t agree perfectly with Holy Scripture, then there is much question about all that We do together.

Still, you realize that you truly couldn’t stop, at this point, more than a page short of a full Teaching. You are an elderly man who daily makes decisions, many of which seem genuinely free. You value… you’re proud of these many Teachings that are evidence of this satisfying, compulsive behavior, over now more than 20 years. It is an addiction, but it is one you do not want to lose… and you won’t for I have the power to keep you returning.

And isn’t there an odd similarity in this to the “power” of cocaine… or heroin… or alcohol… or nicotine to bring a user back, even when it seems irrational and even harmful to return?

Yes, o son, this is one of the powerful Both/Ands of earth life, for many of you. An addiction may be uncomfortable…disturbing… life threatening… life ruining. AND another addiction can be convenient… enjoyable… helpful… “A pearl of great price.” And there is much diversity in these people that I call My greatest Creation. You have no temptation at all to become a cocaine user, for all the pleasure users report. And Megan has little to no desire to spend some time each day (or at least 3 or 4 times a week) hearing Me and writing what she hears as Teachings.

FRI., MAR. 24, 2000, 6:55 AM

I come to speak to you on this Spring morning, a reprise on an aspect of earth life that is often seen as BAD… an either/or. Yet you know that I see it as more of a both/and, sometimes marvelous… good… harmful… awful. Addiction is the desire, a “whole person” desire for some experience, and is a negation of “free choice”. And, in your culture, there is much value on rationality and rather freely choosing to do or not do… to act or to resist acting in some particular . . .

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