Affairs Of The Spirit In Those Close To You

MAY 17, 1981, 5:48 AM

Hear, o son, on this Sunday morning, as I speak of matters spiritual involving those whom you love. Attune your spiritual ear and let My Spirit be in yours. This teaching shall be some of what you want, along with some you shall not expect.

Matthew is your major concern now, and he certainly is far from your ideal as a young man. The fundamental problem, of course, is that he has no commitment to Me and therefore the spiritual dimension to his life is weak… and unavailable for the direction and coordination it should provide. His focus is on the moment, the immediate present. Consequently, the happenings in his life are random, with some of them being destructive. The most positive statement is that he is building a testimony for the future. He shall refer back to these rudderless times after he begins to walk with Me. He shall see them in contrast to a more directed life and shall feel some sorrow for the loss.

You realize that I am giving you a prophesy despite having told you that this is not your role. I am saying, with positiveness, that your son Matthew shall be an active servant of Mine… in ways that shall be surprising to those who know him now. This does not negate the concern you have for him now, but it gives an important perspective. I would have you continue to be a dispenser of justice and mercy. Though you need not approve or condone many of his actions be aware of times when you let his behavior affect your love… for him and for others. As I am with you, so shall you be with him. Do not hold resentments so long that you are unable to see positive actions that he attempts, sometimes with much hesitation.

MAY 17, 1981, 5:48 AM

Hear, o son, on this Sunday morning, as I speak of matters spiritual involving those whom you love. Attune your spiritual ear and let My Spirit be in yours. This teaching shall be some of what you want, along with some you shall not expect.

Matthew is your major concern now, and he certainly is far from your ideal as a young man. The fundamental problem, of course, is that he has no commitment to Me and therefore the spiritual dimension to his life is weak… and unavailable for the direction . . .

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